#BrotherYouAskedForIt: The media has betrayed your freedom? So true – starting with the National Review.

If you can't trust a Soviet spy...

If you can’t trust a Soviet spy…

My second-favorite laugh line from Atlas Shrugged is the reporter who effuses, “I know what I’d like to be: I wish I could be a man who covers news.”

I bring it up in light of the lamentation in The Hill about the blatant ‘progressive’ bias in virtually all ‘news’ reporting. What seemed funny to me when I first read Rand’s vast dystopian tableau is by now virtually inescapable: The media is propaganda, and everything in it must be deemed a lie of some form. But the bias is not simply ‘progressive’ but, more critically, is pervasively anegoistic and anti-individual-rights – and it is not just a phenomenon of the so-called left.

When you look aghast upon our once-just society, now all-but-gone full-looter, remind yourself that it was William F. Buckley who published the worst denunciation of Atlas Shrugged in the pages of the National Review, a hateful screed written by an allegedly-repentant Soviet spy.

My favorite laugh line in the book? #BrotherYouAskedForIt!

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