Dallas = Orlando = Boston = Aurora: How ‪‎feminism‬ spawns spree-killers.

Attention-seeking time bombs...

Attention-seeking time bombs…

Comes this week yet another spree-killing, this time a massacre of Dallas cops. As the headline indicates, I think these guys are more alike than they are different, and their differences – Islam, race, sexual politics – come down to pretexts. They are attention-seeking time bombs.

Hence Church Sunday, a clip from last October: Spree-killers in six minutes: Under-fathered, over-medicated, involuntarily celibate and universally rejected. Feminism kills fatherhood – and under-fathered boys sometimes kill indiscriminately.

The saddest news of all? There are by now too many of these wretches to take note of or remember. Less a blaze of glory than a brief spark of ignominy, soon supplanted by the next flash in the pan. The pretext meant nothing all along, but in the end the act itself means nothing – nothing beyond the pain inflicted on innocents in a failed bid for notoriety.

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