What to do with the end of an endless Summer: Smile, study me and thrive!

Driven-sociability. It’s not just worth reading about: It’s how we survive.

The curse of long holiday weekends is that time can hang heavy on your hands. Still worse, every source of new online content goes off for it’s own bar-be-que. Apparently, the true purpose of the internet is wasting your time at work – not engaging you when you actually have time free to invest.

I have the cure for all of that. I’ll give you two Netflixable benedies first, since the best benefit of having time off is spending it with the people you love.

So for a date-night movie, I like Begin Again. And for the whole family, Chef rocks – especially on the kind of Ds virtues we saw so beautifully in the Houston floods.

Meanwhile, I had a Splendorous Summer. I always do well this time of year – Nine empathies was born on Labor Day weekend three years ago – but this year has been especially good for me.

Accordingly, if you want to spend some time improving your mind this weekend, I commend you to me. That’s a vanity, I know, but I have no idea what to do about it. I repay effort, but you can only find that out for yourself by making one.

DISC-my-way is the place to start, since the notation system will show up everywhere else. The big work this Summer was ThriversEd – the DISC of educational philosophy – but I’m also worth reading on leadership and marriage.

Humanity is Ds. We saw that this week in Houston: When every wealth of every other DISC strategy has been stripped away, the only wealth that endures is the Ds frame of mind – the drive to survive for me and mine.

Why should you be studying me? Because I have the map for getting our civilization back to it’s best expression: Driven-sociability.

It’s not just worth reading about: It’s how we survive.

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