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The Affectionate Display
“Greg Swann has insights into emotion on levels that really make you think. He can pluck that one annoying gray hair with pinpoint accuracy. He is a philosopher of sorts and he says and does what philosophers do. He shakes you to the bone, bumps your cup and lets you see what spills out. You see what you see and he sees what he sees. I’ll bet they are dramatically similar and extraordinarily different.” –Jeff Price
My favorite job title is Poet. Why? No license, no union, no credentialism. If you can learn, you will. If you can't, you won't waste my time. I grow regardless.
I’m not like you. That’s why you should listen to me. I’m in an empathy of opposites with everyone: All they see are reasons to complain, when all I want to do is dance. I know why we are the way we are and how we can learn to do better with each other – making everything better.
I am fomenting a philosophical revolution that will change everything for everyone in due course. How? By finally fully redeeming Western Civilization.
You’re going to help.
Save the world from home – in your spare time!
Disintermediate the ruling class: Read the free book that tells you how to do it.
Disintermediation means cutting out the middle-man, and, by teaching you a new way of thinking about human nature and about your own unique self, the free book Man Alive! puts you in charge of your own philosophical affairs.
The book's objectives are precise and concise: To take the claim of justice away from the state, the mantle of intellectual authority away from the academy and the experience of reverence away from the church. It puts all of those things back where they belong — in your mind. There is no middle-man on truth.
Jihad Watch
- For sane Muslims:
- For the other kind:
- For the rest of us:
I speak your language
I am delighted to speak anywhere, anywhen, and I am interested in any opportunity you can come up with for me to evangelize egoism. I am rich in ideas that, so far, few of us seem to prize. If you value the idea of self-adoration in the way I do, let's talk about how we can increase our numbers.
More by Greg Swann
FREE Willie
A 100% FREE collection of some of the best of the Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie stories. You will want to read all of my books, but here is a cost-free way to get started.Buy my books at
An elegy of hope and love.
Bedtime stories for your inner child from The Mall of Misfit Families.
Las Vegas Redemption
Pastor Trey Coyle and the reincarnation of Sarno’s Ghost.
Shyly’s delight
Work, play and love like a Labrador.
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Nine empathies
Apprehending love and malice.
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Father’s Day
More Married. More Husband.
More Father. More Man.
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Loving Cathleen
A Love To Live Up To
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Sun City
Loved ones die. Life goes on.
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Losing Slowly
How Las Vegas lost its mojo – and how to get it back
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Christmas at the speed of life...
Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie's Christmas stories
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The Unfallen
A love story
Print | KindleMy other writing isn't collected in one place, but here's a shopping list for finding the best of it:
- Greg Swann writes – fiction and early essays.
- – a weblog I maintained in the early years of the new millenium.
- BloodhoundBlog – a national real estate weblog I started and contribute to. Much of the content there will be real estate related, but everything I write is focused on the self, and this is best represented in the longer essays.
- – a weblog devoted to celebrating the uniquely human life.
Email Greg Swann
Fair warning: Your name and email address will be kept confidential, but unless you say otherwise, your text is blogfodder by default.Feed your self
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Recent Posts
- Silent cinema in three quick glances: Emily Brownbangs at the conception of guile.
- Love at first sight, twenty-five years later: Someone to thrive with.
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever.
- Ayn Rand and me – why my homework is late…
- An infinity of souls.
Recent Comments
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever. | on Love husbandry: Marriage dies by the snarl – but it thrives in the light of a loving smile.
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever. | on The origin of character: You chose to be who you are before you knew you had the power of choice.
- Ayn Rand and me – why my homework is late… | on An infinity of souls.
- Mark Passio is a Turd (611 words) – The Church of Entropy on Cold-blooded vengeance: Exposing Curt Doolittle’s – and libertarianism’s – inner-thug.
- Richard Nikoley on Cold-blooded vengeance: Exposing Curt Doolittle’s – and libertarianism’s – inner-thug.
- Photo credit: Sunrise on Phu Chi Fa by Tom BKK.
Category Archives: Willie stories
Telling long stories about other people’s nightmares — for Father’s Day.
“Every one of those guys knows that this could be his last Father’s Day at home, his last chance to see his kids before they get sideswiped for life by the family court system, his last chance to make believe … Continue reading →
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Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie in one lesson: Thugs all the way down…
“No,” said Morczyk. “This will fix him better. Make him stay in the game. But take away his gun.”Photo by: Justin BaederA Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story January 8, 1997 When I walked in, Murcheson from 4-B was holding a gun … Continue reading →
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What would Mohammed do? Just about anything, apparently, provided it’s petty, pathetic and cruel.
“We were watching horse racing by simulcast at the Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore, home of the Preakness Stakes, and everything in the place seemed to be old and dirty and badly maintained. No skin off my nose. You can … Continue reading →
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Xavier’s destiny: Fatherhood and the manly art of manliness.
But the main job of being a father is simply being around. I’m not congratulating myself for what I did with Xavier, because I knew it was temporary. He didn’t have a father all of a sudden, he just had … Continue reading →
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Finding visibility, absolution and closure at the choo-choo train at the mall on New Year’s Eve.
Woo-woo!A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story December 31, 2015 When I got back with the train, the Lonely Guy was still sitting there on the bench across the way, his elbows on his knees, his palms supporting his chin. I had … Continue reading →
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How to slay dragons.
A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story And now I am a man-killer. We live with the consequences of our choices, and we cannot fail to live with all the consequences of all our choices. Sic semper nobis, sic etiam mihi. Thus … Continue reading →
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Courtney at the speed of life.
A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story January 1, 1997 – New Year’s Day “Lord-a-mercy!” I said in my thickest southern drawl. “Somebody tell god to take the rest of the week off. He has made perfection, and there ain’t no topping … Continue reading →
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“Merry Christmas, Princess Peach.”
There is only one Christmas, isn’t there? Even at the airport there is only one Christmas. Luigi smiled, and his face bore not the smallest hint of sadness. “Merry Christmas, Chloe.” He leaned forward and kissed the slumbering golden girlchild … Continue reading →
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A father for Christmas.
“If you give your daughter a father she can be proud of, then one day she’ll bring home a son-in-law you can be proud of. And then you’ll know for sure that your grandchildren will have a father to look … Continue reading →
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Christmas in Las Vegas with Kim Jong-un.
“You adorn your body with comical uniforms and undeserved medals, and you plaster your name with ridiculous titles, all to make up for your fundamental emptiness. You live your life as the empty puppet of an empty doctrine, and everyone … Continue reading →
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A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan.
From the Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie Christmas story collection, available at Amazon.comA Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story December 23, 2002 I got to the hospital after visiting hours, but the nurse led me to the room anyway. “There hasn’t been anyone,” she … Continue reading →
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Talkin’ ’bout my g-generation: “They paved paradise and put up a robot’s tit.”
I threw my head back and looked up at the sleek black mess, thinking that it was a delicious irony that the desiccated curators had taken the most horizontal art form in Western history and rendered it as a pyramid. … Continue reading →
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‘Bigger Than Elvis’…
“Bigger Than Elvis, man… A livin’ legend.”By: Daniele PratiA Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story October 13, 1986, Greenwich Village, NY “I coulda been the biggest star of all!” The swarthy man with the approximated beard was half in his cups. Or … Continue reading →
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“Wha’s happenin’?” “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”
The Harried Harrier turned to the Senior Partner, a very expensive-looking, very reserved gentleman. He said: “Do you say this is happening?” The Senior Partner did not even look at Harrier. Instead, he began to poke at the elevator’s controls … Continue reading →
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“Little boys need their daddies.”Photo by: Ryan DickeyA Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story The little boy came gamboling up to me when I was just over the ridge. He was big for three, small for four, and cute by any measure. … Continue reading →