There are Greeks and there are barbarians, with nothing in the middle. If you insist that you are not a barbarian, then I will insist that you are in league with the Greeks.
I took care of most of this by revisiting my own past writing:
• Redeeming Western civilization by curing the incuriosity of the East.
• Praising Cain: Change the world forever by learning to love your life the way you actually live it.
• Cain’s world: Spreading Western Civilization with Persephone’s second coming…
But the best expression of my values came in the form of the birth of a new young friend:
Saved by Grace from Islamic Workplace Terrorism: Even in the midst of carnage, hope springs eternal.
I wanted to avoid the topic for Church this week, and at that I failed completely:
At times like these, we are apt to offer up some form of the Not All Muslims Are Like That argument. That much is obvious. Almost all Muslims are not like that. But: So what? Almost no one is like that, but, of those who are, an astounding number of them are exponents of Islam.
That’s hardly surprising. Islam began as an organized crime syndicate, with the Koran offered up as an elaborate rationale to justify its blood-thirsty predation. I find it easy to believe that most Muslims abhor the atrocious violence effected in the name of their faith – and yet they do nothing either to purge their doctrine of its anti-human ferocity, nor to purge their ranks of the ferocious.
Birds of a feather? Not so much. But do they wake up with fleas? Oh, yes – to their chagrin and to our sorrow.
Islam is at war with human civilization – with Hellenic culture, the only truly human civilization that has ever existed. This would be true for every other religion, as old as Judaism and as new as Marxism, but only Islam and Marxism are actively at war with The West.
The rest of us are Greeks, despite what we might say about religious identities. We are not Christians or Jews or Mormons or Hindus or atheists. We are Hoplite Greeks who believe that each one of us has the political right to be who he is – to mind his own mind, to mind his own family, to mind his own business. Whatever our differences in doctrines, we keep them to ourselves, with any disagreements being explored peacefully – with words, not weapons – or simply ignored.
This is the why of Greek civilization, why it works so well, with so few failures and with so many soaringly amazing successes: We accept without dismay or rancor the simple and obvious fact of human sovereignty, the fact that purposive human behavior can only be initiated and controlled by the person acting, never by any other person or outside force – including any imaginary gods.
Just as with Marxism, Islam is not civilized because it is at war with this obvious fact. It is not somehow big-hearted of us to confer counterfeit Certificates of Civility upon people who hope – in their dogma if not always in their deeds – to destroy the very thing that makes human civilization possible, human sovereignty.
To my Muslim friends, I say this: As good as you are, your doctrine is evil. It is at war with Hellenic civilization, the only fully-human culture that has ever existed, and it always has been. But far worse, it is as war with you – with your own sovereignty, your own autonomy, your own flourishing. As the vast piles of corpses make plain, both Islam and Marxism are at war with humanity – for the crime of being humanity.
If you want to live, if you want for your children to thrive in peace and prosperity, you are not a Christian or a Jew, not a Mormon or a Hindu, not an atheist or a Muslim – you are a Greek. As we are civilized, we are of the Greeks, regardless of what we say about the superficial differences in doctrine we affect to uphold for an hour or two a week.
There are Greeks and there are barbarians, and there is nothing in the middle. If you insist that you are not a barbarian, then I will insist that you are in league with the Greeks.