How to engineer a happy ending…

Some questions answer themselves…Photo by: Juan Tamargo

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story

April 19, 1988

There are things I’ve never learned to pass up. Where anyone else would just walk on by, maybe not even notice, I always have to stop and find out. Nature is just: I get what I deserve… But, then, sometimes I get more than I hope for, too. I suppose the accounts balance.

Watch: I met the strangest man. Unchallengeably the strangest…

I spotted him from a long way off. It’s the differences that pop out at you, and the greasy old geezer has a pretty ‘outstanding’ way of walking. He would take one short step, then wait a long while, then shuffle the other foot, then wait some more. As I drew nearer, I saw he was saying something during the waits. I’m glad the cat pays for it and not me, because curiosity always pushes me closer.

He was well worn. His skin was weathered all over, and his cheeks and nose were wind-burned red, the tops of his hands lobster red and flaking. He was arrayed in a form-fitting armor of filth that had inadvertently become contaminated with stray bits of fabric. His hair was a wild mess, a timorous blend of sun-browned straw and pale grey that would never aspire to white. His eyes were fiery but glazed and teary. As I watched they darted in every direction.

“Should I hit myself in the head with a hammer?” he said and took a step. It didn’t sound like a question, more like a litany. “Should I stand on one foot and yell, ‘Excelsior’?” Another step. “Should I check to make sure there are no fish in my pockets?” Another step.

I said: “…?”

“Should I smash all the knuckles on my left hand?” Step. “Should I check to see if I can eat through my nostrils?” Step. “Should I count backwards from eighty-seven to forty-four?” Step.

Indeed: “…!”

“Should I say my name a thousand times?” Step. “Should I buy some paint and spray it all over my hair?” Step. “Should I check to see how many Twinkies I (more…)

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A brief introduction to the assbackwardness of everything: Finding our way back to the garden of hope.

The Cautious cannot hope for the prosperity of the future, because they are too busy lamenting the losses of the past.Photo by: Brandon

To refuse to think is to refuse to live. Accordingly, if you’re not studying me, you are wasting the finite time of your life in its own despite. Amidst a vast horde of finger-wagging, terrorizing poindexters, I alone am doing the poet’s job: Leadership.

Here’s what matters: The world you live in is a garden, a paradise of infinite possibilities, awaiting only your commitment, attitude and effort to bloom into a riot of riches. Want proof? Take a moment to hug the computer you’re reading this from while asking, “What did I do to deserve something so wonderful?”

Meanwhile, the job of virtually everyone who is paid to describe your world is to convince you that you live in a demon-haunted dump, where your only chance for survival is to catalog every past peril.

Why should that be so? Even ignoring the spontaneous de facto conspiracy that is anti-egoism, we are continually haunted by shrieking ghouls because those wretched wraiths are, by now, the only people we will let speak, and the only ones we will listen to. We live in a Cautious tyranny, and, to all evidence, we like it that way.

The Grand Unifying Theory of Human Motivation – as taught to me by a turtle, and by an eternally-outraged human reptile.To read more about empathy, see me, feel me, touch me, heal me at

The Grand Unifying Theory of Human Motivation – as taught to me by a turtle, and by an eternally-outraged human reptile.To read more about empathy, see me, feel me, touch me, heal me at


That’s a very cursory gloss the empathy strategies of the four DISC types. I would argue that all of these motivations are fear-based in origin – all expressions of the fear of loss. The goal-pursuits of the Driven and the Cautious are both aimed at material safety, but the Driven pursue their safety by the production of abundance, where the Cautious pursue theirs by loss-avoidance.

The Driven were not driven from the classroom, they fled in abdication of their duty to lead. And the Cautious are not competent to lead at all. There are few Driven accountants – and (more…)

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The guard must always change, Tiger, but it shouldn’t have changed so soon.

Lamenting what might have been.

Photo by: Chris Wellner

Tiger, Tiger, tell the treeth:
Were you as good as Jordan Speith?

Tiger, Tiger, speak the trayth:
Should you have hewed more to your faith?

Tiger, Tiger, say the tryth:
You lost it all when you lost your wife.

Tiger, Tiger, admit the troth:
You can’t have either when you scheme for both.

Tiger, Tiger, share the truth:
Would you be wiser with a second youth?

Yes, that would be poetry about golf, marriage and boundless regret. Where else can you go for stuff like this?

Posted in Poetry and fiction | 1 Comment

Using emotions as tools of cognition: Pain is nature’s way of telling you you’re getting something wrong.

’Tards gonna ’tard. Don’t let them do it to you – and don’t do it with them!Photo by: JD Hancock

I’ve spent six months, now, pummeling The Ayn Rand Institute. This is precisely as fair as Donald Trump picking on poor, pathetic Jeb Bush: An aggressive attack from a Driven personality will always cow the Cautious, since the Cautious temperament cannot react without planning.

And where normally I would pull my punches for de facto retards, in this case I say none so deserving. Rand’s remnants are an existential menace – and not just to those many thousands of dead babies and their many thousands of self-annihilated parents.

I pointed out the other week that the official-Objectivist admonition that “emotions are not tools of cognition” is obviously, stupidly wrong. Today we’ll take a different tack: Demonstrating how emotions provide crucial evidence about the internal state – and underlying empathy strategies – driving your emotional responses – and those you see coming back to you from other people.

So: Apprehend this chart:

If you make a claim I think is truthful, and I like that, I’m going to feel satisfaction. If I think the claim is false, but I like it anyway, I’m going to feel an internal disquiet. If I think the claim is truthful, but I don’t like it, despite that, I will feel annoyance. And if I think the claim is false and I don’t embrace it, what I will feel will be indifference.

This is not to imply than any of those emotional reactions is a reliable guide to epistemological correctness in the world outside your mind. The chart is simply an illustration of how you will react when the world outside your mind intrudes on your internal presuppositions – essentially on your DISC profile.

The reason for this is that your emotional reactions emerge from the parts of your brain that are incapable of reason. This does not make them non-existent, and it does not make the information value of their existence irrelevant or dismissible. Too much the contrary! What that chart does is illustrate for you how your emotional (more…)

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The answer to the Islamorape of the Eurobabes? The very, very Israeli Krav Maga.

When is a woman safe? When she can kill with more than her good looks.Photo by: Denise Mahoney

An unmarried emancipated woman is a de facto man until she marries: She eradicates her own infestations. She cannot have delegated her self-defense to a man because she has not. She has divorced her father and not yet wed her husband.

Accordingly, she must defend herself. A proficiently-deployed firearm would be ideal, but this is Europe, so hand-to-hand is probably optimal.

Krav Maga is how Kelly Ripa could cripple Michael Strahan, so big, strapping German broads should make for fierce, fearsome Amazons. This problem will persist until they do.

We grew up in a golden age. Now we discover the world Jefferson, et al, swept away for us – until Marx swept it all back. But that’s no more than spilt milk, by now, because there is no alternative to the existential.

When does a fish need a bicycle? When the bike is the only way to get back to the sea. We do as we shouldn’t, in marriage and family, but abstract knowledge is the great equalizer. When the women of Europe can promise, “You’ll die with a pork sausage up your ass and your dick down your throat” – the streets will be as safe as houses.

This is not even #SisterYouAskedForIt. Every woman should learn how to be deadly, from her determinedly deadly parents, long before she’s out on her own. This was a foolish luxury we conferred on our daughters – and too many of our sons. That is ending in Europe, and perhaps here, too.

And that is ultimately to the good. An organism that cannot defend its own life will not have it for long, and if you cannot defend your self, in too many important ways, you don’t have a self.

The survivors of this mess, barely begun, will be amazing people. I wish I could live to meet them.

P.S.: Without even intending to, I just invented actual #feminism: By learning to be deadly, a girl will learn everything she needs to know about standing up to men. She will (more…)

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A raucous video podcast about the manly art of manliness: “It’s not growth if it’s not painful.”

Socrates, Steve Mayeda and me – having fun with staccato iconoclasm.

Socrates, Steve Mayeda and me – having fun with staccato iconoclasm.

Note and disclaimer: Speaker Greg Swann is no longer affiliated with The 21 Convention or 21 Studios in any ongoing capacity.

Urf. I don’t hate it that I make enemies. I’ve done that all my life. I do wish, though, that I made better enemies – men who are actually capable of following through on their enmity. I am sitting on the powder keg that will enflame all of Western Civ, and I can’t even incite enough anger to get the match struck.

Oh, well. Vita brevis, ars longa. I’m terrible at waiting, but waiting is what I got.

Meanwhile, here’s a wonderful video made at the tail end of The 21 Convention in Tampa in October of 2013. There are two more videos of me to come from this extravaganza – an interview with Marilee Ellis and my one-hour presentation on deploying DISC to improve your empathy strategies – but apparently the petty slights for those movies are still being composed.

This was huge fun. There’s a good highlight from me at around the 17:00 mark, how actually to be your ideal man. And I’m worth seeing again at the very end, as a bookend to the quote that began this post.

Friends or enemies, here’s to manlier men!

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Do you want her to be the woman you married? Start by being the man she fell for in the first place.

If you can’t find the woman in your marriage – try looking for the man.

Photo by: Thomas

One of the points I hit repeatedly in 2015, in public and in private, is the idea of masculine frame: Holding onto your identity as the emotional anchor in your marriage amidst the tempests of feminine crazy.

It is easy to decry the emotional distance and waning commitment men exhibit in that circumstance, but she is at fault, too: He is cheating her of the rock-steadiness he promised her, but she is in all likelihood cheating him of the lifelong boner-bait she promised him.

The bad news? That’s his problem, too.

It’s his marriage. It was his relationship since it began. When she attacks his frame, she is trying to take over a job he cannot abdicate. When he yields that frame, she panics, trying even harder to take over. Rinse and repeat, and the marriage is doomed – until he takes back the masculine frame that drew her to him in the first place.

The video embedded below was an eye-opener for a lot of people. If you give me twenty minutes, I’ll give you back your marriage.

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Who killed Ayn Rand’s anti-looter reputation? I suspect Pope Sneakoff, in the hospital, with a pen.

Who destroyed Ayn Rand's reputation for intellectual integrity? Cui bono? Who had the most to gain?

Who destroyed Ayn Rand’s reputation for intellectual integrity? Cui bono? Who had the most to gain?

A few weeks ago, writing about taxation, I said:

I have further thoughts on Ayn Rand’s late-life Social Security parasitism if anyone cares to revisit that topic.

I was referring back to a post I wrote in June of 2014: How to explain Ayn Rand’s late-life Social Security parasitism? “Old people make mistakes.” That might seem like too much inside baseball to you, but it’s interesting because Ayn Rand’s terminal destination – government-registered looter – is the best weapon Marxists have to deploy against her lifelong anti-Marxism.

As I discussed back then, the official-Objectivist rationale for this undoubted predation is ludicrous, an obvious ass-covering exercise: Ayn Rand was really, really, special-snowflake entitled to steal other people’s money because she had been opposed all along to having her own money stolen. This of course is Tu Quoque and Two Wrongs Make A Right, the lies one can predictably expect to hear every time you catch a hand in the cookie jar.

I find that explanation hugely implausible. Had Rand actually believed she was proudly championing the restitution of property rightfully her own, she would have proceeded differently: By formally demanding a specific sum, for example, or by suing for the restoration of her property rights – or by seizing what she said was hers like some fictional towheaded pirate. Moreover, it seems reasonable that she would have mounted her campaign while she was still young and vital, not when she was already circling the drain.

But that argument of timing – by way of her estate planners, Rand applied for Social Security and Medicare as she neared her death – implies that Rand also did not think she was entitled to those funds by the ordinary illogic of the elderly, either. If she was seeking restitution, she would have done so when we was younger, and if she was simply a typical rent-seeking septuagenarian, she would have applied for ‘benefits’ when she became eligible – years earlier.

All of this argues to me that Rand did not herself knowingly (more…)

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To teach is to lead. How to lead bright kids to a brighter future.

Dream classroom
Self-adoration is the mental state that results from habituated excellence – from consistently setting and eclipsing high standards.Shanghai Daddy via / CC BY-NC-ND

A question from David Brodie, a man I much admire:

I was wondering how you would apply the principles of self adoration to the classroom, and how you would go about teaching the concepts of self adoration to children.

I’ve kind of winged it so far, really I was just riffing on the moment while explaining the basic rules of the classroom (“Respect..respect yourself, respect your classmates, respect your teacher, respect the room…but most important to me is to respect yourself..” then I gave an example of how holding yourself to a higher standard, in this case with cleaning up food after yourself, is respecting everything else below that). It just felt too collectivist and like I was missing the mark – the purpose should be the self adoration and self respect they achieve from holding themselves to a higher standard, but I felt like I was actually still just calling on them to respect everybody else first and making it sound like they were respecting themselves first.

What’s your take?

I’m doing some of this too, just now, in a much less organized fashion, working things out as I go on the basis of long-standing habits. What I have to offer are at best rules of thumb, though I am sure there is a perfectible theoretical praxis to be found here.

So first: Catch your kids doing something right. You know what praise-worthy virtue looks like, so praise it when you see it: “I love the way you organized your work. You clearly gave this a lot of thought, and it shows.” “I like the way you look after your little sister. She’s lucky to have a big brother like you.”

True visibility reflects the underlying DISC motivations of the person you’re seeing, so you should take those into account: “Jimmy likes for things to be perfect, and just look at all the detail in his project. But Johnny likes to get things done, and you can see how much extra work he (more…)

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Celebrating the Splendor of the New Year – with fart jokes. Now that’s church!

I thought I wrote “Jenny Kissed Me” for the 21st Century. Was it “Georgie Porgie” instead?

I thought I wrote “Jenny Kissed Me” for the 21st Century. Was it “Georgie Porgie” instead?

It’s the two-year anniversary of The Church of Splendor. To celebrate, we’re reveling in poetry – including the evanescent effervescence of that silent sibilance that ensued when my mother made beans. Find serious joy like that at any other church!

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Telling @LOR3LE1 I love her with a one-two-three punch to #abortion – all as #MyKindOfBenedy.

I am proud to know you, @LOR3LE1.

I am proud to know you, @LOR3LE1.

@LOR3LE1 follows me.
I’ve never felt such
To capture her
could set me free
from self-contained
So please don’t let’s drive her away.

I am ebullient, not addle-pated. I am rich in poetry with the New Year, the result of a three-day dances-with-benedies I did with that most-repellent of benedictions: Abortion.

And comes today news that I am being followed on Twitter, at least for now, by one @LOR3LE1, a conservative commentariette with a huge number of followers. It could be she is but an evanescent effervescence but that matters nothing: She has made my day simply by being – by drawing my attention to herself.

To her attention – and to the attention of all conservatives-writ-large – I would commend: Me. I have unassailable secular defenses for lots of stuff you want – or should want: Chastity, monogamy, father-led families, human liberty. Most importantly, I can argue against abortion better than anyone.

Want proof? I delivered in abundance this week just ending, with a three-act benedy of three-act abortion tracts. I am taking poor Cathleen’s ears to baroquial school with my guitar, and in prose I am spinning ropes from my yarns and cables from my ropes. If my work works for no one else – it’s working better than ever for me.

So see-me-feel-me-touch-me-heal-me, @LOR3LE1. I may be baroque, but I’m the only person I can see who’s fixing anything – and the streets is where I dance:

Act I: A benedy in three acts. When we slaughter our young, we murder The West itself. Show the world a better way in 2016.

Act II: A maledy in three acts. The worst result of Yaron Brook’s abortion evasion? Victims of Objectivism still eat their young.

Act III: A benedy in three acts. Finding visibility, absolution and closure at the choo-choo train at the mall on New Year’s Eve.

I am Driven-Incandescent, so it is in me to demand attention, but I am Driven first, so it is annoying to me that I should ever have to demand attention. This is not an appealing trait, so I am making every effort to be more (more…)

Posted in #MyKindOfBenedy, Poetry and fiction | 1 Comment

The high-D diet: How to lose weight without even trying.

If all you want is the frosting, why eat the rest?

If all you want is the frosting, why eat the rest?

I’m a very high-D in the DISC system, a Driven. Compared with a highly-analytical Cautious personality, I can make three mistakes and land on the perfect answer while the high-C is still building the spreadsheet to analyze mistake number one.

What does that mean in the context of losing weight? I ain’t counting calories, points or starch stats. My friend Richard Nikoley runs a very big Paleo-living blog,, and I deeply admire the work he is doing there, but I have zero interest in thinking about food, much less obsessing about it. Food is something I consume while working in order to keep working. That’s all.

The consequences of habituated inattention will accrue, of course, with the result that I have been a slowly blossoming carnation since 1998, the last time I would say I was physically fit.

I started to reverse course a few years ago, losing weight steadily instead of steadily gaining. My diet secret? Not a diet, but simply a long-term change in my habits.

With that as introduction, I will give you my three quick ’n’ easy high-D diet prescriptions:

1. Eat half as much twice as often. Whatever you think you want, eat half that much. If you’re peckish later, eat another small meal. First, you’re not nearly as hungry as your eyes think you are. And second, you won’t make the time to eat too often, so you’ll eat less overall.

2. Avoid sweetened drinks. I include diet drinks and fruit juice, but YMMV. That 64-ounce soda is definitely your enemy, and an 8-ounce glass of OJ is plenty with breakfast. Arguably artificially-sweetened drinks just make you swap in other sugars later, but I’m safe either way, because sacharine tastes like rat poison to me. I drink ice-water mostly, with coffee and tea, no milk, no sugar, for variety.

3. Avoid fancy wheat. Wheat is not food, it’s fodder. That’s why the Roman welfare state was built on a foundation of wheat: You can tell people it’s free food, when it’s really just a way of bulking (more…)

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The worst result of Yaron Brook’s abortion evasion? Victims of Objectivism still eat their young.

Why do the victims of Objectivism eat their young? Yaron Brook told them to.

Why do the victims of Objectivism eat their young? Yaron Brook told them to.

I was all over Yaron Brook of The Ayn Rand Institute in 2015 for his cowardly, shameful, ignominious evasion of the Planned Parenthood videos.

I went easier on Leonard Piekoff, Rand’s designated intellectual error, because that tired old man deserves a rest from a weary life of schlepping all the ugly baggage his adoptive Jewish Mother stuck him with. I have one more trick up my sleeve for Pope Sneakoff, but a man who cannot recognize that saying abortion is pro-life implies that extermination is proliferation is possessed of a mind well beyond reason. Sic semper tyrannosauris. Thus, always, to dinosaurs.

But Brook professes to be the brains behind an outfit devoted to robbing its most studious and conscientious victims of their brains, so it is him I have held to account. Ayn Rand wrote all about evasion, and the intellectual error’s intellectual error has clearly studied up, taking account of how studiously he has evaded the implosion of the Infanticide Indoctrinal Complex.

That much is merely comic. Ayn Rand denied Piekoff and her other slavish acolytes the right to think in their own behalf, and the sole mission of the no-thinking-allowed-tank that bears her name has been to ossify her outrageous errors while doing everything possible to destroy what remains of her reputation. Mission accomplished, gents.

But: Who cares? The world is crawling with Babbitts busily wasting time, and it’s not as if waging a frothy war against the worst ideas of the 19th century does any real harm – except to its self-selected victims.

But that’s the problem for me. Abortion is by now indefensible, which is plausibly why Yaron Brook and his mincing minions have so carefully evaded their brain-bound duty to defend it. Ayn Rand’s aboriginal ‘defense’ of intrauterine infanticide is risible, a childishly utilitarian rationalization for homicide worthy of her own fictional villains. The official Ayn Rand Institute stand on abortion is morally repugnant, anti-egoistic, anti-humanity, fundamentally at war with Western Civilization itself.

We become what we despise? Ayn Rand labored mightily and brought forth (more…)

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When we slaughter our young, we murder The West itself. Show the world a better way in 2016.

CuTe BaBy
What’s the best gift you can give any child? Someone to look up to.44444 U.A.E via / CC BY-SA

The story that mattered most in the storied year of 2015 was the Planned Parenthood abortion videos. How do I know that’s so? Because no one wants to talk about it.

We are ghouls, as a culture, and we have known that all along, but we have been able to carry on as knowing ghouls because we have been so very careful to avoid knowing how we are ghouls – how much, how awfully, how fiendishly we are ghouls.

The Planned Parenthood videos, brought to us with an unflinching courage by the Center for Medical Progress, tore away our cherished veil of ignorance and forced us, like it or don’t, to acknowledge what we have become: Self-made monsters at war with the virtues that make the fully-human life possible.

It goes for me, too, and for all of us. I scold, you quaver, but none of us does more than talk. We snicker and natter about barbarians overseas without ever once daring to acknowledge that we have made of ourselves the worst barbarians of all, the barbarians who kill – and metaphorically eat – our own young, mining their substance for lunch money if not devouring their flesh directly, deep-fried.

And that would be bad enough, were we but animals. But unlike all other animals, we can observe what we are doing and reason about it. We can conclude without ever admitting in full consciousness the substance of our conclusions: Human life, to us, for now, is a temporary indulgence with garbage.

Have you lived to be eighty years old? Then you are eighty years late to the dump. Your life has meaning, moment, merit? Oh, Ozymandias, you could not be more wrong. You are not even a sand castle on the beach to us, an evanescent meaninglessness to be swept away by the tides. Instead you are a formless shit-sculpture, a thing to be scraped up and hosed away as quickly as possible, leaving not even a noxious odor as your life’s legacy.

This is what we (more…)

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Hacking cancer, chronic pain, Sony and NORAD on Christmas Eve with Reggie and Shake.

“Attention Sony Pictures: All your testicles are belong to us!”

“Attention Sony Pictures: All your testicles are belong to us!”

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story

December 24, 2014

“Have a Merry Christmas, brother,” Reggie said to the bent old man shuffling away from us in the grim little strip mall parking lot.

“Yeah,” Shake chimed in. “But don’t smoke and drive.”

Little Kief, all of six years old, said nothing. As far as I know, that’s all he ever says.

We were hanging out in the early evening on Christmas Eve outside the Swell Farmacy, a closed-for-Christmas medical marijuana dispensary in Youngtown, Arizona. Youngtown is the Suburb of Lost Toys, a tiny slice of closed-for-the-duration urbanity that may at any moment elect to end it all by leaping into the dry riverbed of the Agua Fria River.

That much is funny. The ironically-named Youngtown was a retirement community before the much-larger Sun City was even a gleam in Del Webb’s eye. But the town couldn’t keep its eye on the ball, so Youngtown lost its school-tax exemption – the secret sauce that makes retirement communities – so now it’s struggling to find a new identity.

My suggestion for the grimy little burg’s new marketing slogan: “Cheaper than Peoria, safer than El Mirage and not as freaking far as Surprise!” The earnestly under-employed town fathers chose something less informative – “Uniquely Youngtown!” – which is even more funny, because Youngtown really is unique. It’s a little piece of exurban Chicago, like Gary or Cicero in the 1950s, half-a-mile wide and two-miles tall, misplaced in the Sonoran Desert.

Along with two seedy motels, a Dennys and a Jack In The Box, the Swell Farmacy is by now a significant part of Youngtown’s commercial tax base. The tank- and grenade-launcher-enriched law enforcement community of Maricopa County has spent many years and many millions fending off a pot dispensary in Sun City, right across the six lanes of Grand Avenue, while Swell has been quietly pulling commuter traffic – over-dressed Yuppies and under-dressed Stoners and stooped-over retirees – from its nothing-burger little store-front on Michigan Avenue. Location, location, location. If you want to run a business almost everybody hates, do it (more…)

Posted in Christmas brutality, Poetry and fiction, Willie stories | 2 Comments