“What a prize herd of sheep! They stand here in shoes made by shoeless Malaysians, wearing goose-down coats assembled in the frigid climes of Honduras, slurping down overpriced espresso from Africa, and they proceed to lecture the world on world trade. And they are the alternative. You can have everything in the world super-cheap, or you can submit yourself to the dictatorship of the stooges. Some choice!”
A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story
November 30, 1999
“Eat the rich!” the Class Clown shouted at the fringes of the protest. “Eat the rich today! Cook ’em up hot with Brazilian charcoal on a Chinese hibachi!”
These were jokes, if you have to be told. He was in Seattle, a humorless place on its best day. And this was its worst day, the opening day of the World Trade Organization talks. The city was infested with Concerned Protesters, the most stolidly humorless species ever identified.
I met the Class Clown a few years ago at a massacre outside a high school. He’s taller now, and thinner, and his clothes are even baggier. He’s unpierced, amazingly enough, at least so far as I could see.
“Make noise, not sense!” he chanted. “Make noise, not sense! If you have nothing to say, say it LOUD!”
I caught his eye from across the mob and nodded to him. He recognized me and winked, continuing to chant. Some of the protesters around him took up the chant — “Make noise, not sense! Make noise, not sense!” — and marched off to infect others.
I threaded my way over to him and he laughed out loud. “Like shooting fish in a barrel,” he said.
“I, uh… I think I might have foreseen better things for you…”
“Relax. I’m at Stanford. I’m just up here to goof on these goofballs.”
I smiled. “Your compassion is undiminished.”
“A while ago I went up to this gaggle of girls, very serious, very militant. I stumbled up to them, coughing and wheezing, and said, ‘The teargas! cough-cough It’s made… choke-choke In Korea!’ Man, I thought they were going to wet their pants!” He laughed hard from the throat.
“I mean,” he went (more…)