Tête-à-tête in Tombstone.

“Art is the stuff that sticks with you,art is the thing that won’t turn you loose.”Photo by: Frank Kovalchek

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story

When the shadow blocked the doorway of Johnny Ringo’s, everyone in the bar looked up. The door was propped open and traffic was brisk. The glare of the late afternoon sun fought the gloom of the little taproom to a draw. But then gloom captured the turf enduringly, and we all looked up to see why.

The stranger leaning against the doorjamb was long and lean and very relaxed. He wore black wool trousers pegged at the ankles over ornately-tooled snakeskin boots. His dove-grey top coat fit him like a glove. Beneath it he wore a rich brocade waistcoat and a white linen shirt open at the collar. He had eyes the color of coal and flowing brown hair that spilled halfway down his back. His handlebar moustache was trimmed and combed and waxed to perfection. A red silk cravat finished the ensemble, that and two nickel-plated Colt 45s with carved ivory grips. The sidearms were mounted high, at his ribs, and a double-barreled shotgun, breech open, was slung across his left arm.

And even though Johnny Ringo’s is the tourist trap for the sophisticated tourist, still everyone gawked. Everyone except one man in the corner at the end of the bar, a man nearly perfectly concealed by the gloom. He looked up at the stranger in the doorway and there was genuine fear in his eyes.

The stranger was looking right at him. Looking right through him. He didn’t stare, he glared, and the room fell deathly silent – not a nervous cough, not a stolen breath. The fearful man tried to hold the stranger’s gaze but couldn’t. He looked down at the drink before him on the table then looked up again quickly, something furtive in his eyes. The stranger nodded slowly and said, “I’m your huckleberry.”

Some moron guffawed in recognition but this didn’t relieve the tension, it added to it.

The stranger stood up straight and snapped the breech of the shotgun closed. He hefted it (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction, Willie stories | 2 Comments

My top 5 posts illuminating the Ayn Rand Institute’s intellectual paralysis over abortion.

“Why should we bother to reply to Kautski? He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There's no end to that. It will be quite enough for us to announce that Kautski is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.” –Nikolai Lenin

“Why should we bother to reply to Kautski? He would reply to us, and we would have to reply to his reply. There’s no end to that. It will be quite enough for us to announce that Kautski is a traitor to the working class, and everyone will understand everything.” –Nikolai Lenin

First, how can I have five weblog posts on the itty-bitty little Ayn Rand Institute and its palpably false arguments in favor of abortion – intrauterine infanticide? I don’t. I have more than a dozen – so far.

Second, how is it that the itty-bitty little Ayn Rand Institute, full to bursting with Ayn Rand’s prideful minions, has not managed to write anything at all about the Planned Parenthood videos and their fallout for champions of infanticide?

My guess is that Rand’s radicals-for-perfect-conformity are engaged in a cluster-frolic worthy of James Taggart himself: Fretting, dithering, blaming, steaming – doing everything except standing up to take responsibility like self-responsible adults.

What of their staffers, donors and other insiders?

The first person to deviate from the party line will be purged. And the next. And the next. Et cetera.

I’m kicking their asses in public and they respond to me with transfixed paralysis.

How am I doing it? Like this:

  1. Taking on Ayn Rand and Objectivism on abortion: A moral atrocity cannot somehow be a political sacrament.
  2. Fisking Ayn Rand on abortion: Why her utilitarianism is necessarily anti-man, anti-mind, anti-life.
  3. Why won’t the thick-witted cowards at the Ayn Rand Institute rise up to defend Planned Parenthood?
  4. Spanking the Ayn Rand Institute on abortion and Planned Parenthood: None so deserving.
  5. Why am I infanticide-shaming the Ayn Rand Institute? Because abortionism kills humanity itself.

PS: Bonus post: Is the Ayn Rand Institute’s indefensible stand on abortion part of a clandestine intelligence op?

And another: Three story angles the Ayn Rand Institute can use to continue to evade the abortion scandals.

And yet another: Doing the job the Ayn Rand Institute is afraid to do: Abortion is incompatible with egoism.

Almost a top 10 posts: Attn. Yaron Brook: Your shameful silence on abortion spotlights the Ayn Rand Institute’s intellectual bankruptcy.

And so to 10: The Victims (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 9 Comments

Who knew it would be so easy to bitchslap the Ayn Rand Institute over abortion?

Hard work pays off.

Hard work pays off.

I should have done this years ago. I did, of course, but not as well as I’m doing today. As always, I never think about something until I do, and then I think about it all the way through. How do you like me now?

Insiders: Are your “thought leaders” looking like James Taggart to you? Guess why…

Donors: You’re paying good money for this?

There is more to come…

Posted in Splendor! | 2 Comments

Why am I infanticide-shaming the Ayn Rand Institute? Because abortionism kills humanity itself.

Good grief...

Good grief…

Intrauterine infanticide – abortion – is morally repugnant – and you don’t need for me to tell you that, do you? The ‘procedure’ itself is ugly, as are its secondary consequences, but being instrumentally involved in abortion makes us uglywith life-long ugly consequences.

Our culture-wide support for – or at least ambivalence over – intrauterine infanticide makes us callous and cold, most indifferent to those most in need of compassion. Worse, the utilitarian arguments that undergird all claims of “just” homicide consistently move their champions toward ever-greater atrocities, such that – as should be obvious – abortion is just a stepping-stone to genocide.

But it gets worse. For the fanatical cult of abortionism that is the motivating force behind the Ayn Rand Institute robs the human race of its humanity itself.

Ayn Rand’s positions on marriage, career and abortion might seem like good advice to give to a teenager: Have some fun, learn a trade and avoid entangling alliances. Isn’t that just the further extension of carefree youth into young adulthood? Into old adulthood? To the grave?

But exactly. The official-Objectivist plan for life consists of an extended adolescence, a life-long rebellion against the actual nature of humanity. Older official-Objectivists are typically miserable, wheezing along with the ‘what’s-the-use?’ resignation we see in the vagrants in Atlas Shrugged. But they’re miserable not because of a defect in human clay but because they stopped molding that clay at the emotional age of 18 – the age when we expect children to grow into self-responsible adulthood. Being materially involved in an abortion will result in life-long regret, but, much worse, being a champion of abortion will make you a life-long teenager.

A pregnancy, expected or not, makes you take the long view. Choices that once seemed inconsequential – take that job or hike the Andes? – are now throbbing with moment. Adults commit to their spouses in their marriages, to their children in their families, to their neighbors with their homes and to their communities by putting down roots. None of these things happen for the adolescents-of-any-age who choose to – or (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 11 Comments

Spanking the Ayn Rand Institute on abortion and Planned Parenthood: None so deserving.



How can you tell The Ayn Rand Institute is run by thick-witted cowards? Blank out.

Ayn Rand lived her whole life waiting to meet a man strong enough to turn her over his knee and show her what she always knew – that a dominant woman is an unsustainable contradiction. I don’t know that I could have been that good influence on her thinking, and we never met in any case. But I am happy to deliver corporal punishment in appropriate measure to her numbskull minions.

Spoiler alert: None so deserving.

To church: How to win everything – by driving everyone else crazy.

Posted in Splendor! | 9 Comments

What’s the best tactic in the Ruling Class-led war on humanity? Convincing you not to have a family.

To the extent that a woman is doing with her life what any man can do, then, by all means, all hail the winsome Miss Spinster. But to the extent that she is not doing what only she as a woman can do – birthing and nurturing her own offspring – she is robbing herself of what she wants most from her life in order to live up to the feminist fantasy of the woman who has it all. All, that is, except a husband, a family, a home, grandchildren – and memories she can smile at instead of always having to wince, shudder and then turn away from her own past choices.Photo by: sabianmaggy

Anti-family ‘news’ is everywhere, and I choose to ignore it, most of the time. When an idea is sold by a continuous drum-beat, you can bet it’s a lie, since the truth doesn’t require incessant repetition. It’s cognitive dissonance – attempting to uphold mutually-contradictory premises – that needs constant reassurance.

The Ruling Class – the academic/scientific/governmental monopoly on ‘debate’ dominated by Cautious apple-polishers effecting the real-life Revenge of the Nerds right under your nose – is at war with the ideas and conditions that make the uniquely-human life possible.

Your would-be rulers love you best as an adult-baby, and so they encourage you to put your juvenile appetites above every other objective in your hierarchy of values. Nowhere is this more consequential than in the war on family, a war fought on both ‘sides’ of every discussion.

Men without families are bums of varying degrees of degeneracy – which can be palliated but not cured by more and more academic/scientific/governmental rent-seeking. Women without families are functionally-redundant, except in their utility for displacing males who might otherwise have become family men. Unmarried mothers are the rent-seeking monopoly’s second-favorite prey, eclipsed only by their children, who are either born into Ruling Class dependency or are recruited into it later by way of family court.

The very last thing the Cautious tyranny wants are people who provide for themselves and solve their own problems. Hence, the academic/scientific/governmental ‘debate’ is about (more…)

Posted in Love and marriage | 13 Comments

Libertarians: You’ve been wrong about abortion all along. It’s time to rip off the band-aid.

If you’re driving the I-5 and you need some Immodium, don’t stop in Irvine. They’re fresh out.

If you’re driving the I-5 and you need some Immodium, don’t stop in Irvine. They’re fresh out.

If you have given your moral sanction to abortion until now, it’s time to rip off the band-aid. Here’s why:

Objectivists and Libertarians are resolutely hostile to the family, and it is killing their movement. Ayn Rand had ten thousand adopted daughters, a thousand grand-daughters, a hundred great-grand-daughters and zero great-great-grand-daughters.

[T]o the extent they are not resolutely pro-family, libertarians are de facto Marxists – where Marxism is the temporarily-successful mutiny of the Cautious over the Driven. The future belongs to the children of the parents who have them. So long as libertarians number themselves among (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 7 Comments

Why won’t the thick-witted cowards at the Ayn Rand Institute rise up to defend Planned Parenthood?

Dead babies... can’t take new ideas to the next level – even if that were permitted.

Dead babies… can’t take new ideas to the next level – even if that were permitted.

Official-Objectivists never talk to me. They come around by the committee-load, but all they do is lurk. I see them by what they read – simultaneously and in bulk – leaving only their Orange County IP addresses behind as calling cards. We care a lot. I know they’re cowards, and I’m pretty sure I know why they’re cowards.

Since the publication of Man Alive, I’ve tried to go easy on Ayn Rand. She got me to the questions that got me where I am now, and I owe her for that. But still, the woman was great at integrating ideas but lousy at defending them. Her rationalization of the vicious adultery she inflicted upon her husband (allegedly her “top value”) and her slavishly-devoted acolytes takes first prize in the self-serving “arguments” contest, of course, but her callously utilitarian defense of intrauterine infanticide has been unconscionably consequential – especially to her slavishly-devoted acolytes.

Here are some questions that have occurred to me:

1. How did Ayn Rand herself and her many supplicating minions not see how poor the official-Objectivist pro-infanticide arguments are?

2. How did Leonard Peikoff not notice the ‘ominous parallels’ of Rand’s specious pro-abortion arguments to those put forward by Marxists?

3. How did none of them see that, by advocating romantic ‘affairs’ while dismissing storgic familial love, by indoctrinating Rand’s followers to value their careers above their families, and by stridently preaching abortion as a sacrament, official-Objectivism destroyed its philosophical legacy?

4. Most significantly, how could it be that seemingly not one of the millions of people who have read Ayn Rand on abortion noticed that her position is a gross violation of her own putatively-rational-egoist philosophy, representing instead the kind of “I got mine!” self-absorption associated with Friedrich Nietzsche or Max Stirner?

For what it’s worth, I have trouble calling any of those three egoists. Stirner was a champion of everyday amoralism, Nietzsche of exploitative amoralism and Rand, ultimately, of anti-amoralism. The arc of Ayn Rand’s intellectual history consists of the less-than-perfectly-successful recovery from a youthful (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 15 Comments

The autopsy of Mister Maybe’s divorce: “Silence and distance and lies are all you need to destroy any marriage.”

From The Unfallen, how uncommitted men screw up their mariages. –GSS

“I think maybe you can’t make those vows and commitments with anyone except the right person.” Her hand was on the table and he laid his atop it and squeezed. “If you make those kinds of promises with the wrong person, you’ve compromised yourself and you’ve compromised the relationship and chaos ensues. I don’t think it’s a necessary consequence that you have to break your promises, but you have to find a way, one way or another, to divert energy from a circuit that can’t bear it. If you can’t, it has to blow.”Photo by: Owen Byrne

They walked up Boylston Street to Tremont, then up Tremont toward the center of the city. He stopped in front of St. Paul’s Cathedral, right at the top of the Commons. He said, “I was married there. It seems like such a long time ago…”

“A very Catholic wedding, I imagine.”

He smiled. “Very Catholic. It didn’t matter to me and it did to her, so that’s where we were married.” They had turned into Downtown Crossing, heading down the cobbled mall to Washington Street. “You should ask me about my marriage.”

“Should I?”

“I think you should. I’m a demonstrated loser at romance, after all. I should think that would be grounds for concern.”

“I’m in no position to throw stones, I think. But suppose I were to ask you. Wouldn’t you simply tell me it was all her fault?”

“That’s the point. It wasn’t. When two cars crash, maybe it’s one driver’s fault. But when a crash takes years to work out, both of the people involved are volunteers, and both of them are responsible.”

“How awfully big of you to bear some of the blame.”

He shrugged. “We don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to.”

“I do. But I think I need to eat. I’m afraid you’ve stripped me of my reserves. Among other things.” She grabbed his hand and led him down the Washington Street mall. She stopped in front of a small restaurant. “Is this all right? It’s just soups and (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction | 1 Comment

For what other species of the earth would we argue for #‎abortion?

The ultimate in man-made marvels:
The man-made extermination of man.

Photo by: Kyle Simourd

Call me Cassandra. My job, apparently, is to state the stunningly obvious facts no one has any intention of heeding. It’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it.

So: For what other species of the earth would we argue for abortion?

In what circumstance would we regard adult animals slaughtering their own young not as an awful, inexplicable aberration, and not just as some gruesome fact of nature, but instead as a noble and laudable act?

This is self-loathing as a sort of anti-identitarianism, leading to the kind of auto-extinction that can never happen in the wild.

The ultimate in man-made marvels: The man-made extermination of man.

This is the power of bad ideas…

Posted in Splendor! | 5 Comments

If your ‘thought leader’ can’t tell you why abortion is evil – you’re going to the wrong church.

Like chattel slavery at the birth of the American experiment, abortion is the vicious contradiction upon which libertarianism foundered. I’m redeeming the quest for liberty by correcting this awful error.

Photo by: sabianmaggy

It turns out people who eviscerate babies for a living are ghouls.

Who knew?

Well, I did, and I expect you’ve known it all along, too, regardless of what you said out loud.

But now the outrageous evil that is intrauterine infanticide is even harder to deny. Which is making things mighty difficult for ‘thought leaders’ – professors and preachers and pundits. They want to murder inconvenient babies. They just don’t want to say so out loud.

Today is Sunday, the day of the week set aside for Deep Thoughts about Important Matters. I’ll be interested to hear how many ‘thought leaders’ dare to take up this renewed awareness of the slaughter of 55 million innocents. Here’s my roar of rebellion to this cacophony of silence:

Like chattel slavery at the birth of the American experiment, abortion is the vicious contradiction upon which libertarianism foundered. I’m redeeming the quest for liberty by correcting this awful error.

Posted in Splendor! | 5 Comments

End gun-free zones? No. End gun-free adults. Self-defense cannot be delegated. Denying that fact kills.

How can there be bullet holes in that glass when the sign clearly says that this is a gun-free zone?

How can there be bullet holes in that glass when the sign clearly says that this is a gun-free zone?

Four more unarmed innocents were killed yesterday. U.S. Marines, attestedly the most fearsome soldiers on earth. They were lawfully disarmed in a so-called gun-free zone, and today people are calling for (some) soldiers to be authorized to carry sidearms on military bases.

This is more right, but it is still an error. Disarming soldiers seems oxymoronic, but, of course, the greatest peril to the officers in unjust wars does not come from the putative enemy but from the sacrificial cannon foddder they purport to lead. The ruling class is thoroughly justified in its fear of the ruled, and its only recourse, it seems, is to make the ruled even more homicidally furious.

Bad idea, and the obvious solution to every political problem is to disgovern. Where people are free to pursue their own values, they find ways to get along. When “we’re all in this together!” – the crazy comes out. Want proof? If you lead a normal middle-class life, the places where you will encounter the greatest fear of armed citizens are your county courthouse and your local office of the Social Security Administration.

When incidents like Charleston and Chattanooga come up, some people say, “If only one of them had been armed…” That’s a valid observation, as you can determine by the inevitable counter-shriek of “Bloodbath!” But there is a question both sides of that debate miss:

What if every adult were armed?

If every self-responsible adult was habitually, routinely armed – and armed with redundant, complementary weapons – Charleston would not have happened at all. Chattanooga would not have happened at all. Every sort of street crime, with the exception of crimes borne of insanity, would not happen.

Would. Not. Happen.

From armed robbery to mass murder, crimes of violence are crimes of opportunity, and the dispositive opportunity, the without-which-not, is the gunman’s expectation that his victims will be disarmed. Take away that expectation and you eliminate virtually all crime.

Even better, when a truly crazy person hits that pop-goes-the-weasel crisis, as in (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 1 Comment

The Goddess and Everywoman.

When she was introduced, her credentials were listed as “attorney, activist and goddess of femininity.” Every attorney has a libel lawyer, and every attorney needs one, so I’m not naming names. And I’m not encouraging you to pray to the Goddess for her bounty of femininity, since to have your prayer ignored would be disappointing and to have it answered would be catastrophic.

When she was introduced, her credentials were listed as “attorney, activist and goddess of femininity.” Every attorney has a libel lawyer, and every attorney needs one, so I’m not naming names. And I’m not encouraging you to pray to the Goddess for her bounty of femininity, since to have your prayer ignored would be disappointing and to have it answered would be catastrophic.

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story

September 5, 1995

“Consider this,” said the Goddess. “When men go off to fight and die in wars, who is it who gets left at home with the children? Women!”

Whoop, whoop, whoop! The Sisterhood ate that one up.

“They get to see the world, and we get to see the diaper pail!”

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

“When Captain Scott O’Grady was shot down over Bosnia, we heard all about what a hero he is. Did we hear anything about his wife? His sisters? His mother bore him, didn’t she? She’s the real hero!”

Whoop, whoop, whoop!

It doesn’t pay to argue with stuff like this, but I’m pretty sure the media did carry stories about O’Grady’s womenfolk. If they didn’t, it would be the first dollop of schmaltz they’ve managed to overlook.

But that doesn’t really matter. The Goddess was cooking up what the Sisterhood craved to eat, and nothing spoils that kind of feast faster than a pinch of fact.

Can I say “pinch”? It might be construed as sexual harassment, if anyone would dare accuse the Goddess of inciting sexual contemplation…

But no one would. She wasn’t unattractive, precisely, she was merely hideous. I am not committing the horrid crime of “lookism”; her hideousness came entirely from within. From the outside, she was just another middle-aged woman fighting stoutness, fighting matronliness, fighting the ravages of a diminished estrogen supply – and losing. She was groomed and then some, but the effort of her grooming served only to betray that it was an effort, and the net effect of her battle against aging was to make her look war-torn.

But even so, so what? It was the ugliness from within that scarred her as no cosmetics or hair salon ever could. (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction, Willie stories | 1 Comment

The goal of #abortion-as-politics? Cultivating ‘Good Germans’ to both effect and surrender to genocide.

The actual political purpose of abortion-as-politics is to cultivate a population capable of both effecting and surrendering to genocide.

The actual political purpose of abortion-as-politics is to cultivate a population capable of both effecting and surrendering to genocide.

It’s working.

Photo by: Dylan Walters

In one of the links back to 2004 I cited when we illustrated why putative-liberty-lovers always side with their Marxist slave narrative-masters when it matters, I take apart the indefensible idea that human life begins at some arbitrary event – conception or birth, depending on the indefender.

As I argue at some length in Man Alive, humanity is an easily-identified objective condition that obtains in most but not all genetic Homo sapiens – for most but not all of each one of those individual people’s lives.

If not-defined-as-human tissue and organs are fair game, there’s a ton of dialysis relief down at the head-injury hospital. Ah, but we talk ourselves out of those sorts of opportunistic murders, don’t we? Mostly. For now. But once the principle is established that some Homo sapiens can be slaughtered on a pretext…

The actual political purpose of abortion-as-politics – the underlying Marxist strategic objective – is to cultivate a population capable of both effecting and surrendering to genocide.

As we see in this example – for all I know a temperature-taking trial balloon from Marxism Central – it’s working.

Posted in Splendor! | 4 Comments

Illuminating libertarianism’s fatal flaw: Individualism – Egoism = Utilitarianism = Useful-Idiot-Marxism.

Indulging a whim is not a self-loving act, it is carving a permanent scar into your self-image – an ineradicable mental wound that your memory will recall to your conscious attention again and again, for the rest of your life. To call anything like this a manifestation of egoism is a hideous – and obvious – philosophical error.Photo by: Fibonacci Blue

Yesterday was not the first time I heard about harvesting body parts from aborted babies. It was more than a decade ago, on an official-Objectivist weblog, that I first encountered this gruesome ideal. I ended up getting banned from the site, the normal case when I comment anywhere, and my remarks are long-since lost. I saved some of my thoughts at my own internet home at that time, and you can see them here, here and here. The Cliff’s Notes: Abortion is philosophically indefensible regardless of your objectives – and I can prove it.

But as with gay marriage, virtually all libertarians and Objectivists are on the wrong side of this issue. They insist that both are somehow context-free political matters, conveniently ignoring their own putatively-steadfast claims that individualism is the politics of egoism. That might not even matter, though, since their conceptions of egoism are so stunted and crippled as to be little more than laboriously reified whims. Accordingly, their defenses of these and other modern atrocities turn on utilitarian claims (just like the Supreme Court!), putting them squarely on the Marxist side in virtually every pubic debate.

The problem, thoroughly explicated in Man Alive, is that your rational self-interest consists of the rational interests of your self for your whole life – not just your appetites right now. Indulging a whim is not a self-loving act, it is carving a permanent scar into your self-image – an ineradicable mental wound that your memory will recall to your conscious attention again and again, for the rest of your life. To call anything like this a manifestation of egoism is a hideous – and obvious – philosophical error.

Here’s how to fix that error in your thinking, if you’d rather (more…)

Posted in Splendor! | 4 Comments