Desdemona the Scrivener. As is obvious, she would prefer not to.
And I do write that way. I smile at the content of other people’s stories and novels and films, because everything is so far removed from the things that matter in life. It’s fun for me, in that context, to do just the opposite, to take huge, immense, enormous Greek stories and condense them down to a single conversation. Screenwriters, in particular, can tell you how much back-story I burn up with every Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story.
Here’s the part that’s most fun for me: What I’m doing is easy. The philosophical issues are settled art for me, at least for now, so making the link from a ship’s captain to fatherhood, defending the law of agency without ever mentioning it by name, is duck soup. But the rest of the work is, too, building a big story from little stories, with each one of those stories standing easily on its own, birthing characters I admire enough to want to see them again, crafting little turns of phrase that hook their way into your mind and linger there, gnawing away at you. This level of clarity comes and goes, but I’ve been at the top of my game for three years, and everything comes easily to me now.
But I owe a trick to Desdemona, too. She was an English Coon Hound bitch we used to have, the most ruggedly-individualistic dog I have ever known. Like all hounds, she lived by the nose, but she was smart enough to let the smells come to her, instead of always trying to hunt them down. She would stand rigidly still in our (more…)