- Tramps like us, everywhere else in the world, live in very grim prison cells and supplement their diets with captured insects. Our good fortune is not so much that our government is more free, but simply that its functionaries are typically so lazy. Here’s to lazy tyrants! May they die in bed – the sooner the better. Funky64 (www.lucarossato.com) / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
This is me, in a comment to a free-market anarchist I’ve known so long I can’t remember how, on the plight of anarchocapitalists in the rest of the world, a fate I still somehow hope to avoid here at home:
Tramps like us, everywhere else in the world, live in very grim prison cells and supplement their diets with captured insects. Our good fortune is not so much that our government is more free, but simply that its functionaries are typically so lazy. Here’s to lazy tyrants! May they die in bed — the sooner the better.
The truth is that the very few people who breathe our very rarified air are viewed as a harmless nuissance — or even as ultimately-beneficial cranks — by the ruling class. This is changing now, and it will only get worse for us and for everyone else in due course. We’ve run this dumbass mutual-theft-ring game again and again and it always ends the same way.
That is, unless we reverse our course. If you read what I write and you wonder what the FAQ it is I’m really saying, I wrote a hymn about it:
Man Alive! A survival manual for the human mind.
We do not have to go the way of Soviet Russia, of Nazi Germany, of Red China, of the Khmer Rouge. But if we are to avoid that fate, we must take one vital step immediately:
We have to turn around.
Read the book to find out how to do it. Not just your life but the life of everyone and everything you love quite literally depends on it.