“What, me worry?”
That’s right. The lady who wrote the book on evasion is now represented by a cadre of evaders worthy of Wesley Mouch himself. Her “philosophy for living on earth” is great for everything – except for, you know, navigating existential reality. Rand’s minions can’t uphold her ridiculous arguments and yet they can’t renounce them either.
That’s sad, but, brother, did they ever ask for it!
Here’s what’s sadder: By affecting to have pretended to have made believe that they are somehow indifferent to the exposure of Objectivism as not just a party to but a key proponent in the wholesale slaughter of innocents – the kind of slaughter Rand railed against in every other respect – Yaron Brook and the Ayn Rand Institute are dropping the ball all over the place.
- The world’s economy is a global slow-motion train wreck, the inevitable collapse of Marxist predation. This will not end well, but it may end soon.
- Huey Long is running for president. If elected, he will instantly turn into Benito Mussolini – the fat, buffoonish, endlessly-needy bully bound in thrall to an even bigger bully, not Adolf Hitler but Vladimir Putin.
- The family has been eviscerated (with Ayn Rand’s eager assistance, alas). Our children are not permitted to have fathers and our sons are not permitted to grow up to be fathers. The consequences are not pretty.
The first two problems (and every other social conflict) are caused by the third, so it’s easy to see why Yaron Brook would want to evade the further consequences of the horrible advice on love, sex, marriage and family Ayn Rand gave to her slavish followers.
But it remains that the world is going up in flames and Yaron Brook has his fingers in his ears – which is not an easy posture to sustain, considering where he parks his head.
Nice going, Objectivists. You won’t have to wait for (more…)