- Where do Good Germans come from? They come from the same cowardice that reputedly-decent liberals are expressing right now with a vast, self-incriminating silence.ModernDope (old account) / Amazing Photos / CC BY-NC-SA
I noted this in passing on Facebook (with Facebook being the first draft of bloggery, certainly):
The silence of the liberals on Facebook is a wonder to behold. You don’t have to admit out loud that you’ve been wrong about everything all along. But you do have to turn around. Until now, you could claim you were duped. Going forward, if you choose to go forward as you have, you will know you are complicit in naked evil.
I was reflecting on this piece of stirring rhetoric from Questions and Observations:
I now assume that if I have good reasons to believe something, the assertions of powerful or influential people don’t change my mind. I assume they are simply ignorant, willfully blind, or actively deceptive. This round of scandalous outrages by the Obama administration is just another confirmation of that assumption. If media types and establishment politicians didn’t realize these problems existed before last month, then they are f*cking fools, no matter how high they have risen in the political class.
This is right up Man Alive’s street, so I’m loving it.
But the larger episode — progressives discover their leaders are tyrants in just the way they have always denounced — is an education to watch.
What’s that question you’ve heard all your life? “How could the German people just stand by as the Nazis exterminated the Jews?”
Why don’t you let that one sink in for a minute?
More from me:
This is not about liberals versus conservatives, it’s about the inescapable sovereignty of the human mind versus the delusional insistence that, with enough coercion, human beings can be domesticated.
The immediate issues make it plain that that ultimately boils down to predators versus prey, and the decent people of the left are stuck here:
When your rhapsodizing about the heroic is contradicted by the people you affect to hero-worship, which will you throw under the bus?
What matters more to you, justice — about which you have been too much mistaken, alas — or power?
If you side with the predator party, will you be willing to shove your own children into the state’s maw, or will you want to proxy that out?
Where do Good Germans come from? They come from the same cowardice that reputedly-decent liberals are expressing right now with a vast, self-incriminating silence.
Who the hell are you, anyway?
Now is a very good time to figure that out.