“You adorn your body with comical uniforms and undeserved medals, and you plaster your name with ridiculous titles, all to make up for your fundamental emptiness. You live your life as the empty puppet of an empty doctrine, and everyone in North Korea – everyone in the world – will love you best when you are assassinated by your own Glorious Successor.”Photo by: Tom Babich
December 16, 2014
“Sucks to be you.” I said that to Kim Jong-un. I was standing to his right on the plaza that overlooks the undersized gondola pond by the Doge’s Palace at the spectacular Venetian Hotel and Casino Resort in scenic Las Vegas, Nevada.
To his left was an an enormous black bodyguard who was poised to snag me by the collar and jerk me back to reality.
To the Shining Sun of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea I said, “There are cameras everywhere, including thousands of smartphone video cameras. Do you really want to cause an international incident? Does anyone even know you’re here?”
The short, squat man gave the tiniest wave with his left hand and that was that.
Christmas at the Venetian is everything you’d expect from Vegas – more than nothing and yet still far less than enough. There’s a smallish ice-skating rink, just like Rockefeller Center – only much, much smaller and engineered with no real ice. There’s an enormous Christmas tree composed of breathtaking bulbous lights – and no actual tree. There’s live music and piped-in music and faked laser snowflakes projected onto the many faked walls of the perpetually-unfinished Venetian/Palazzo complex. And there’s Kim Jong-un, the last and most pathetic of the pretend leaders of the pretend peoples’ revolution, Great Successor to the mantle of chamber-pot valet to the world’s most depressing shithole, North Korea.
“I can’t blame you for wanting to get away,” I said, “especially at Christmas.”
He was pretending not to hear me, of course, but that schtick is nothing new to me.
“I would think Christmas has to break your heart, every year. You grew up on Swiss Christmases, after all. And even if (more…)