I threw my head back and looked up at the sleek black mess, thinking that it was a delicious irony that the desiccated curators had taken the most horizontal art form in Western history and rendered it as a pyramid. I said, “They paved paradise and put up a robot’s tit.”Photo by: Dakota Callaway
August 25, 1995
“The Lexus always has the right of way!” The Rodeo Driver said that, shouted it really. He was stomping around in $400 shoes. He was wearing a $1,200 tuxedo and his eyes were concealed behind $200 sunglasses. His hair was perfect, a cascade of sleek black ringlets spilling halfway down his back. He was stalking back and forth behind his sleek black Lexus. The car wasn’t really 47 feet long, it just looked that way.
“Oh, what a crock!” said the New Age Proto Dowager from behind the wheel of her pearl gray Infinity. Her dusky hair was tied up in a silk something that was designed to look like it had been imported from Africa. Her body was swathed in a crepe-like something that was designed to look like it had been imported from hell. Her vermillion-lacquered nails were not actually 47 inches long, they just looked that way. Perhaps to compensate for her lack of a Lexus, she was wearing $300 sunglasses.
And, truly, a fender-bender isn’t much to write home about. But it’s not every day you see a fender-bender involving people who wear on their bodies more money than I made last month. And the funny part is, as nearly as I could see neither fender was dented…
But it got me to stop walking. I admit it doesn’t take much.
The two cars were blocking the accessway to a huge structure that seemed as if it were about to commit suicide by jumping into Lake Erie. It was a sleek black glass pyramid with cancerous white appurtenances sprouting from it in random locations. I looked at it and imagined that a drawing of it might work well in a science fiction magazine: artist’s conception of an anatomically (more…)