You are a moth ramming a sheet of plate glass again and again, insisting by your behavior that the glass must somehow give way eventually.
The pitch…
That’s a sweet offer in the headline, don’t you think? It’s like Batman meets Ironman, but it’s all real — achievable now, no super-human powers required.
Not enough? You want more?
How’s this?
I can show you how to all-but-eliminate every sort of street crime.
I can show you how to protect any real estate or personal property you own from theft, mayhem, mishap or from simple maintenance oversights.
I can show you how to resolve almost every kind of civil dispute — without courts, without attorneys — and usually without rancor.
I can show you how to perfect your sales praxis to an amazing state of efficiency.
Hell, I can even increase your chance of successfully hooking-up at the singles bar.
I can cut your commute time, maximize your work-day productivity and save you from getting Aunt Whatshername’s name wrong when you see her.
Watch me: I can show you how to create a brand new trillion-dollar industry that will spin off dozens of start-ups as it is aborning and hundreds more later on.
I can show you how to mine an incredible new source of vast, uncountable wealth, a source no one has ever thought of before. I can put you there, at the dawn of a new age of human productivity — a pioneer, a prospector, and ultimately a tycoon in a brand new way of making money.
As you gaze upon that incredible motherlode of riches — knowing that there are unfathomable trillions more buried within it — I have one simple question to ask you:
To gain access to those riches — no fear of crime, no more petty lawsuits, better closing skills on and off the job, plus hundreds of new businesses, each one throwing off astounding new opportunities — would you be willing to correct one simple error in your thinking?
Are you willing to consider the proposition? Stay tuned…
The moth, the cat and the ontological nature of error…
Oh, good grief! Was there a fifty-cent word in that (more…)