“I take full responsibility,” said the Guidance Counselor.“She takes full responsibility,” said the Dean.
A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story
January 4, 1996
It was the plume of smoke that drew me, of course. A great black finger of despair pointing blame at an indifferent god.
Oh, sure…
And it’s fate alone that makes me the man unlucky enough to be everlastingly there at the time.
Well, I may be doomed, but at least I’m not dead. Not yet, anyway…
The smoke was rising from the ruins of a shack across the street from a high school way out in the ’burbs. I was on foot, of course, and as I came near I saw that the house was too dilapidated even to be used as a crack house, which is saying something.
And it was done for by then, a smoking hulk with vast holes blasted through the walls. It had been a wood-frame cracker-box a long time ago, a modest little American Dream. We live in different America, now, and the house had been appropriately transformed into a nightmare.
Dancing around on the sidewalk in front of the house was the Class Clown, a too-small boy in too-large clothing. He was taunting the on-lookers in a sing-song voice: “Take that hill, bomb that bridge, kill those folks on Ruby Ridge! Take that hill, bomb that bridge, kill those folks on Ruby Ridge!”
The Guidance Counselor turned and glared at him. She was a vague little woman, indefinite in every dimension. She had reddish hair in a cut too masculine for a man, with little swatches of grey at the temples. She hid milky little eyes behind Coke-bottle specs. Even her voice was ambiguous, a cross between the sound of your sweet old grandma and the corrupt ex-cop who’s stuck selling Karmelkorn down at the mall.
She and the Dean of Students were stumbling through the rubble, simultaneously gloating and averting their eyes. The Dean looked like the Assistant Pastor from the Middlebrow Baptist Church, over-groomed and under-informed. A big, boxy man in a big, boxy suit with big, boxy gray hair. He was a bastard son of (more…)