Physicists make another absurd, useless claim. Universe yawns. Life goes on as it should.

If it sounds likes bullshit, it’s good odds it is.

By: Lauro Roger McAllister

This is a silly article, but it’s actually wonderful news: It illustrates how little physicists actually know about the universe, and how much of what they say is pure ‘inflated’ bullshit.

The news?

The universe shouldn’t exist — at least according to a new theory.

We are the wise organisms, and the work we have done in a mere five millennia of serious effort is astounding. But we are as small children peering at dusk into a deserted mansion through the keyhole. What we have seen so far is amazing. What we have not seen yet is almost everything.

This is not Plato’s Cave. We can know, we just don’t yet. Always take the time to remind yourself that everything a scientist (especially a tax-funded ‘scientist’) says is at least 95% suspect, subject to lengthy, hyper-redundant verification.

Meanwhile, the knowledge sought by physicists (especially tax-funded ‘physicists’) is almost certain to prove useless, if it is ever proved at all, in your day-to-day life. Someday people may truly understand the physical universe, but you are likely to have been dead for eons by them.

The actual, practical problems of your undoubtedly real life are far more pressing, and the solutions to those dilemmas will prove far more beneficial to you. While you live, live, and let the physicists mystify each other.

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How to explain Ayn Rand’s late-life Social Security parasitism? “Old people make mistakes.”

*Please be sure to see the fine print.

*Please be sure to read the fine print.

Wow. I ignored this last week, because this is obviously an ass-covering exercise.

1. Ayn Rand took Social Security.

2. She knew that was criminal.

3. As with her adultery, she invented an elaborate rationale why wrong was special-snowflake-right in her case: Despoiling young people is predation, except when they’re being despoiled in an act of restitution unknown to anyone but Ayn Rand.

This is disgusting:

Precisely because Rand views welfare programs like Social Security as legalized plunder, she thinks the only condition under which it is moral to collect Social Security is if one “regards it as restitution and opposes all forms of welfare statism” (emphasis hers). The seeming contradiction that only the opponent of Social Security has the moral right to collect it dissolves, she argues, once you recognize the crucial difference between the voluntary and the coerced.

Money stolen from you is no longer yours. You failed to defend your property. Stealing an allegedly equal amount from an uninvolved innocent is not justice but simply more crime.

Moreover: How is this not asking “another man to live for” her sake?

From Man Alive:

The paths to error are infinite, but two landmarks I have learned to rely on, in listening to people trying to justify their evil actions, are the logical fallacies Tu Quoque and Two Wrongs Make A Right. Tu Quoque is Latin. It means, “You do it, too.” When you catch your teenager swiping a beer, the pre-fabricated rationale will surely be, “Well, you drink, why can’t I?!?” And you were probably very young when you first heard some little proto-brute justifying his vengeance by bellowing, “Well, he hit me first!” – ergo, two wrongs make a right. You should probably be on your guard against any statement that starts with a “well” and ends with an exclamation point. That particular verbal construction seems to fit very comfortably in the mouths of liars and thugs. But when you hear those two logical fallacies being deployed in tandem, what you are hearing, almost certainly, is a cunningly-crafted rationalization of an abominable injustice.

Rand’s apologist has done nothing (more…)

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“‘Sex-positive’ sex should leave you so scarred that you will put up even less resistance to it the next time.”

This is a chapter extracted from Father’s Day, an exploration of promiscuity and chastity in the context of marriage. Of all the people who should be celebrating this book – fathers, mothers, egoists, conservatives – the people who should be singing the loudest hosannahs are the Christians: I’m giving you proofs of chastity and monogamy that your kids can’t dismiss by rejecting your religion.

Chapter 15. The Joy of Love-Making

Feminism is anti-family – anti-woman and anti-man but especially anti-children – and the ‘sex-positive’ argument is anti-love-making. The only sex that is ‘sex-positive’ sex is degrading sex, indiscriminate sex, humiliating sex. The sex that is most ‘sex-positive’ should leave you so scarred that you will put up even less resistance to it the next time, and less and less every time after that. To be ‘sex-positive’ is to receive anything, to accept everything and to judge nothing. To be ‘sex-positive’ is to be nothing but warm, moist meat, sometimes humping, sometimes being humped, but never anything with a mind, a memory and a self-conscious future. To be ‘sex-positive’ is to have sex only as animals have sex, in an irrational compulsive frenzy, and never to make love as only human beings make love.By: Sebastian Dooris

There is nothing positive about the so-called ‘sex-positive’ argument. Traditional religious ideas about love, sex, marriage and family are often arbitrary and irrational, and they are in any case subject to easy attack by being defended with an over-arching, take-it-all-or-leave-it-all super-natural moral philosophy. The idea of chastity – never having sex with another person unless your are truly making love to each other – is not wrong, but traditional defenses of it are weak, where the more-modern feminist and academic arguments for promiscuity seem very strong – especially to the appetites.

The problem is here: You cannot be both promiscuous and chaste, not at the same time in your life, and so you cannot be both cheap in your own eyes, available to many if not to just any, and simultaneously precious, a thing to be treasured and never shared. No woman will see you this (more…)

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Save the world in 3 quick ’n’ easy steps: Happier fathers, better children, global redemption.

More married. More husband. More father. More man.

Fathers: If you make your children’s world better, you’ll make everyone’s world better – your own first.Available at Father’s Day: More Married. More Husband. More Father. More Man.

I am a man of such huge ambitions that I expect no one knows quite how to take them seriously. Crazy people say the things I say – which disclaimer is no proof I’m not one of them. But I assure you I’m quite sincere: My objective is to elucidate the moral philosophy that will guide human destiny from now on.

Man Alive is the source and the sink of everything I have to say, of course, but I’m told it’s tough sledding. Today I’m taking on moral philosophy as it is expressed in love, sex, marriage and family with a brand new book on fatherhood: Father’s Day: More Married. More Husband. More Father. More Man.

To say the truth, Father’s Day has been out for a few days, but this is the ‘official’ publication date for a couple of reasons: Second, today is Father’s Day, and I never turn down free poetry. But first, today would have been my mother’s seventy-third birthday, and she was the most father I had, growing up. You can see my father’s cocky smirk on the back cover, because I look just like he did when he was my age. But the book is dedicated to my mother for taking on so many of the things that fathers do for their children.

But the book is about young fathers and the things they can do to make their marriages, their families and their children happier and more secure. I think every day is Father’s Day, for dads who are getting the job right, because the marriage and the family are his relationships first: He creates them in pursuit of his own values, and they work, to the extent they do, as a reflection of his continuous, on-going, active leadership.

I’m kind of rough on those dads at the start, but by the end their hearts will be soaring: Fathers are hoplite Greeks, like Leonidas and his Spartan (more…)

Posted in Love and marriage, Splendor! | 4 Comments

Women can’t fix #marriage and #family. Only men can. My new book “Father’s Day” shows how.

More married. More husband. More father. More man.

More married. More husband.
More father. More man.

I would love to excite your interest and incite your action: I want to save a few dozen-million marriages, and I need your help.

Father’s Day will save marriages – it already is pre-release – and in consequence many children now growing up will themselves be better spouses and parents.

You can find both printed and Kindle eBook versions here:

The printed book is $10, because no dad wants to think he wouldn’t spend ten bucks on his wife and kids. The Kindle edition is 99¢, because his wife may not be quite sure the guy is worth a whole dollar just now.

The Bitly link is easy to share – and, yes, that’s a hint. I need Amazon reviews, blog reviews, Facebook reviews, Goodreads reviews and a rash of cascading Tweets. More than anything, I need for you to pass this book along to every dad you know.

Yes, she cooks as good as she looks.Click either image for full-size print-ready files to use with your review.

Click either image for full-size print-ready files to use with your review.

Everyone who has read Father’s Day has seen him- or herself in it. This really is the magic bullet for marriage and family: If dad wants his family to work, it almost certainly will. If he doesn’t, it almost certainly won’t.

I’m talking right at that guy, the ambivalent young father. If I’m right about him, everyone around him will see the changes in him right away, increasingly and enduringly, after reading this book.

Now THAT’s a Father’s Day gift!

This is a good conversation starter for Sunday, but what it is, ultimately, is a re-org. First dad takes back his family, then, in due course, the middle class takes back the world.

How’s that for ambition?

Want a review copy? Speak up – but follow through with the Amazon review or blog post.

Want to annoy a feminist? I’m your man. When it comes to paper bullets of the mind, this book is a full magazine.

Want to help a good dad become a better dad, thus helping him to launch his children into a much better orbit? Have I got a book for you

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What do spree-killings, #YesAllWomen and #abortion all have in common? Fatherlessness.

Could this be what hell looks like?
By: *sax

From today’s homily at The Church of Splendor, a discussion of the latest spree-killing in the context of the on-going dismantling of the family as a redoubt against the therapeutic state.

I’m finishing a book just now written for fathers of still-intact families – with advice on how to make sure things stay that way. If you would like to be involved in the revision process – that means you have to read and respond quickly – speak up.

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Remembering everyday heroes in a world at war with heroism.

"When a job comes along that only a man can do, the world rediscovers what it loves about men."

“When a job comes along that only a man can do, the world rediscovers what it loves about men.”

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story

May 26, 2013
“You think it’ll go away someday, but it never does.” The Master Sergeant said that. I don’t know his name – he never offered it – but he was Mister Shit Together, not a stray hair or a slack muscle, so he’s The Master Sergeant to me. “I’ll get up to pee after midnight, and I might get back to sleep or I might be up to see the dawn.”

We were sitting together on a bench in the Duffeeland Dog Park in Sun City, which is either a thriving “active-adult community” or a pleasant zoo full of old people, depending on how you look at it.

I was there with Naso, and she was there because Duffeeland is her personal heaven: A long, shady promenade lined with good-hearted people who love to treat a gangly Bloodhound bitch like a grandchild. She was off making her rounds, visiting with the members of her fan club, taking the time to share real love with each of them – and if a treat got hoovered up into a slobbery mouth, so much the better.

“War is a young man’s game.” He smiled wryly, but he wasn’t making a joke. “Beforehand, you can tell yourself that you’ll be a hero, that your life will be brighter and shinier because you killed in a just cause. But that’s all before you’ve killed anybody.

“And you see the men in your unit, the men who have already made one or a few or a lot of kills. And you see how the other men treat them, and how they swagger, and you never stop to doubt any of it, not the justice of it, not even the reality of it. How could this not be right? But you don’t even think of it that way, not even so much as to wonder if it could be anything but wonderful. Who doesn’t crave a hero’s reception?”

We sat for a long time, neither of (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction, The Naso Diaries, Willie stories | Leave a comment

Verbs of virtue: If you want to change your life, change the way you think.

My favorite, judging by the way I use my time? I think.
By: Jacob Bøtter

Here is a list of 575 verbs. If you put the word “I” in front of each one of them, and then follow through, you are defying malign fate by acting in your own behalf — which is my definition of virtue.

This list started with me, and Cathleen Collins and Teri Lussier made important contributions to it. At some point, I’ll write software around these verbs. For now, take a look and see if you can add to the list.

abstract, accelerate, accept, acclimate, accomplish, accuse, achieve, acquire, acquit, act, adapt, add, adjust, admire, admonish, adore, advise, advocate, affect, agitate, allow, am, amble, amend, anticipate, apostrophize, applaud, apply, appoint, appreciate, apprehend, approve, argue, arise, ascend, aspire, assign, assist, attain, attend, attest, attract, author, awaken

balance, beam, bear, befriend, begin, behold, believe, benefit, bind, birth, bless, blossom, bubble, build, buy

calibrate, cancel, capture, care, carry, castigate, cause, caution, celebrate, challenge, change, check, cherish, choose, clarify, clean, cleanse, climb, coach, collaborate, color, comfort, commence, communicate, compare, complete, compose, comprehend, compute, conceive, concentrate, conclude, condense, conduct, confirm, confront, connect, conquer, conserve, consider, construct, consult, consume, contemplate, contract, control, converse, convince, cooperate, correct, counsel, court, covet, crave, create, cultivate, cure, customize

dance, dare, decide, deduce, defend, define, delegate, delight, delimit, deliver, demand, demonstrate, derive, describe, deserve, design, desire, detail, detect, determine, develop, devise, devote, diagnose, dicker, dignify, direct, disclose, discover, discuss, dispatch, display, dissect, distinguish, do, document, draft, draw, dream, dress, drive

earn, edit, educate, effect, elevate, elicit, embrace, empathize, employ, encapsulate, enclose, encourage, endure, energize, enfold, engage, engineer, enhance, enjoy, enlarge, enlighten, ennoble, enrich, ensure, enthrall, entrust, enumerate, envision, escape, establish, evaluate, evolve, exalt, examine, excel, exclaim, execute, exemplify, exercise, exhibit, expedite, experience, experiment, explode, explore, expose, expound, express, extend, extricate, exult

face, farm, fashion, father, favor, favorite, feature, feel, find, finish, fix, flow, flower, focus, forecast, forget, forgive, fortify, foster, found, frolic

gain, gambol, gather, generate, give, glow, grace, grasp, grow, guard, guide

handle, harvest, heal, hear, heft, help, hold, honor, hope, hug, hurry, husband, hustle

identify, ignite, illuminate, illustrate, imagine, implement, improve, improvise, include, (more…)

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An atheist’s take on God’s Not Dead: Here’s to morally-serious cinema.

One of many brutal questions God’s Not Dead brings up along it’s way: What happens when a carousel girl gets cancer?

One of many brutal questions God’s Not Dead brings up along it’s way: What happens when a carousel girl gets cancer?

I saw God’s Not Dead with Cathleen and I surprised myself by actually liking it. It’s baldly tendentious, as any polemical film would be, but it’s needlessly strawmaniacal where it could have been more effective, in my opinion, by not so egregiously stacking the deck. Even so, it’s a serious film about serious ideas, and I was fully engaged with it from start to end – which almost never happens for me at the cinema.

The big story is Romans versus Christians, modernized to a university classroom. There are half-a-dozen parallel threaded sub-plots weaving in and out of the main story, and all of this is deftly handled. The forces of persecution are represented by a truly diabolical professor, and this was a dumb move. You are persuasive when you best your opponent’s best arguments, not when you cherry-pick for his worst.

But I always like a story about standing your ground, and God’s Not Dead delivers that in many of its stories, making a big Capraesque show of the triumph of the individual in the end. I don’t love the foregone intellectual conclusion, and I could have argued either side of the ‘debate’ better than the screenwriters did, but I am five-by-five with the Nazarene about rendering unto Caesar, so standing up to bullies always wins with me, even grossly-caricatured Snidely Whiplash bullies.

I love the Red Cam, and the Red Cam loves God’s Not Dead. The photography and sound are both very professional, and the acting almost never jars. This is a better than average indie, all the way Hollywood in every way that should matter.

I could wish the Christians writing this film had had greater confidence in their arguments, because making the atheist such a monster makes the theistic case look weak and corrupt, unsuited to a fair fight. The consequence is that God’s Not Dead preaches only to the choir. Anyone who might have been persuaded will be put off, instead, by the blatant unfairness of (more…)

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What’s the one thing the people you think you should emulate never do?

“My name is Loki. Who the hell are you?”

“My name is Loki. Who the hell are you?”

They never follow any star but their own.

Live your own life. No one can do it for you, but you can leave it too much undone worrying what someone else is doing instead.

And live like Loki, laughing at anyone who thinks it pertinent to laugh at you.

You have one dance to play, one reel, one madrigal, one dougie. Will you waste every minute of your time on life’s stage searching for the perfect score, or will you take your chance and play?

Posted in Splendor! | 1 Comment

An epidemically childless Mother’s Day tells us what? No #father, no #family, no #future.

Which parent matters most to a thriving family?

If you said, “Mom,” Karl Marx’s minions are smiling in your general direction.

No mothers, no babies, to be sure. But self-responsible fathers are raised by self-responsible fathers. The marriage, and hence the family, is the father’s relationship first and always. When he wants it right, it’s right. When he doesn’t, it can’t be.

When Marxists taught you to deny this fact, they taught you to destroy the family.

Their plan worked great. How’s your life going?

Posted in Love and marriage, Splendor! | 2 Comments

The ‘science’ of Paleo-Marxism: You are what your grandparents ate.

Nomad people in Changtang, Ladakh
“I can’t escape from your poor choices? Wanna bet?”Dietmar Temps / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

This is an amazingly good example of hideously bad ‘science’ – racism with a rationale: Paleo-Marxism, our ancestors’ diets condition our ideas.

Every argument against free will is an argument against liberty and for tyranny. That’s what they’re for.

Human beings drive their lives by consciously-acquired ideas, not by their tools, their circumstances, their diets, their parents’ diets or how their parents make a living. There is no conditioned response, no programming, no determinism in any of its many, many equally-specious forms.

The human will is free, purposive behavior is consciously chosen, and everything else ‘science’ elects to say on the subject of human behavior is false, ab initio, to these two facts. Why? Because tyranny does not make sense, so witch doctors must be hired to make it seem utterly necessary regardless.

If this ‘science’ serves any other purpose than to reinforce the idea in the reader’s mind that ‘a leopard can’t change his spots,’ I’m not seeing it. As with tragedy and satire in art, futility and despair in ‘non-fiction’ are how tyranny saps resistance.

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The lord of the flies is the flies. If you’re spitting in unison with the mob, you are the savage.

If you think deconstructing the Donald Sterling dust devil sounds like a challenge, watch me undermine all of modern science.

When the henchmen of the church, the academy and the state finally discover they should be rebutting me, all of their arguments will be gone. I try to talk to everyone, but people who are serious about new theory in economics, epistemology and ethics should be hanging on my every word by now. That they are not is plausible proxy ‘evidence’ that no minion of the ruling class is serious about anything, they’re all just in it for the paychecks and the pensions, for the wealth they can expropriate from you by ever-more-elaborate frauds.

But what about you? If everyone else is saying the same thing, what is it that makes you so afraid to hear something different? You’re perfectly safe. Veni, vidi, vici. The world is already mine.

Posted in Splendor! | 1 Comment

A perfect marriage? No risk of divorce? Yours FREE with this business card-sized pre-nuptial agreement.

The Business Card Pre-Nup: If one or both of you does not want to make this strong of a commitment, you’re note ready to be married to each other.

The Business Card Pre-Nup: If one or both of you does not want to make this strong of a commitment, you’re not ready to be married to each other.

Click the image to download a printable PDF copy of the agreement.

A pre-nuptial agreement – any pre-nuptial agreement – will tell the bride or groom in no uncertain terms if the spouse-to-be cannot be trusted to play fair. The agreement shown here, printable as a business card, will tell you if your partner is less than fully committed to the marriage, as well.

Just the conversation the two of you have about this little contract will tell you a lot about how your marriage is going to play out.

Would this language hold up in court? Doesn’t have to. If you get that far, you picked the wrong one despite yourself. But to surrender all recourse upon default is the best assurance you can give that you intend never to default – and it is one hell of an incentive not to!

But if your claim is that you’d gnaw off your own leg to escape this awful trap of a marriage – that there is no price too high to pay for your freedom – then do your gnawing in advance, in explicit, undeniable words.

Marry with this pre-nup and your marriage will last forever.

Posted in Love and marriage, Splendor! | 1 Comment

What makes a good marriage so good? Simple: A man in charge.

What does a happy marriage look like? That’s easy: It looks like a man in charge.

What does a happy marriage look like? That’s easy: It looks like a man in charge.

Marriage is the man’s relationship from the outset, and it fails, when it does, when he stops wanting it enough to drive it.

Repeat that: The marriage is the man’s relationship. He makes contact. He forms the affiliation. He pushes the frontiers. He closes the deal.

Do you dispute this? He was in charge of the relationship from the beginning. He initiated it. He nurtured it. He pursued it. He escalated it. And he put the ring on it. Is any of that untrue?

He is the leader of that marriage, and he is the only leader of that marriage, because the relationship exists only because he quite literally made it happen.

There’s more: As a matter of ontology – as the practical expression of our biologically-engendred sex differences – in a male-female relationship, the male will be dominant. Not dictatorial, just the moral leader of that little polis, that family.

This will be the case even after he has ‘checked out’ – seemingly abdicated on his leadership role – because while he can lead her, she cannot lead him: He will not yield to her dominance.

There’s still more, the teleology inexorably implied by that ontology: The man is leader of the marriage because he waives the right to swoon – in battle and in the bedroom – conceding it to her.

All of this is actually expressed biologically, whether they like it or not – or even know that it is going on – but understanding it conceptually makes it possible to negotiate it rationally.

A romantic relationship works swimmingly well for both of them when he is driving it, and it begins to fail when he lets go of the wheel.

When the man wants the marriage to work, it works. When he doesn’t, it doesn’t.

If you want a happy marriage, marry the man who burns to be happily married forever to you. Marry the woman you can’t bear to live without. No other marriage can work for long.

Note the implication of those words: The love that is (more…)

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