The Church of Splendor: There is a crack in everything.

If a lion can stalk the earth as lord of all he surveys, why can’t you?

While our Christian friends are celebrating Easter, let’s talk about resurrecting the god you’ve been trying and failing to crucify since you were a child…

I don’t love the idea of self-sacrifice in Christianity, but I am all over the idea of redemption-writ-large, by which I mean secular redemption, redeeming your life while you’re still alive to reap the benefits.

And: Who do you know of – anyone, anywhere – who talks about redemption for the living as an attainable ecstasy? That’s why you should be listening to me.

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What’s “good” #conservative #art? Ars gratia libertatis – art for #freedom’s sake.

Day 106 - I am a librarian
There is nothing in a good “conservative” story that should repel a liberal reader.cindiann / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Clearly I’ve hit a nerve in my discussions of a more-ideal kind of “conservative” art: People are dumbstruck, to all appearances, their minds captured whole, limbs transfixed mid-gesture in a riveting silence.

This must be so, because it cannot be the case that I am the only person who worries that not figuring out how to do what you’re setting out to do may be worse than an error. Poetry is leadership. By not thinking about where your poetry is leading your audience, you might be making things worse!

Even so, who am I to tell you what’s “good art”?

In this context, “good art” means polemically effective art, art that will lead people in the the direction of egoism, individualism, capitalism – lead them into the middle class.

De gustibus non disputandum est, yes, but results are measurable. Ars gratia artis? Anything goes. Ars gratia libertatis? (Art for the sake of freedom?) Some maps will be demonstrably better than others. That’s what I’ve been trying to talk about since August of last year. If you want to get up to speed, here’s what I’ve done so far:

We are not writing propaganda pieces to warm the cockles of the hearts of professional politicians and think-tank gnomes. If your polemic isn’t artful, not even your mom will read it. But there is nothing in a good “conservative” story that should repel a liberal reader. To the contrary, if the argument is true and if the exposition proves it, that story, whatever it is, can be the critical inflection point in changing lives (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction, Splendor! | 4 Comments

@LibertyIsleMag made #conservative #art into just another Dairy Queen disappointment for me.

Unless you have a boat of your own, there is no liberty on an island...

Unless you have a boat of your own, there is no liberty on an island…

It’s late in the day. You’re hot, tired, cranky. Up ahead on the right there’s a Dairy Queen, and for every reason you should not go there, there is one simple objection: You really feel the need for a little indulgence.

So you pull into the drive-thru. And you wait. And wait. And wait. And the kid running the joint can’t take your order with any competence. Nor can he assemble it correctly. Nor can he make change. And, of course, no one under the age of 25 can even conceive of using a napkin while eating.

What should have been a treat has turned into a huge disappointment. A waste of time and a waste of money but still worse a waste of your serenity and a total loss on your investment in anticipated joy. This is the DQ experience, all but uniformly, a triumph of anti-marketing: Eager, avid patrons are turned into lifelong enemies one botched transaction at a time.

This is kinda like my experience with Liberty Island Magazine, a brand new literary magazine devoted to “conservative” art, with “conservative” rendered in scare quotes to denote the debilitating ambiguity of the word.

My fiction is egoistic, humanistic, but it sure ain’t liberal. I stopped trying to sell it to the mainstream publishing world a long time ago, not because it could not sell, but because I would rather not do what it would take to make it sell. Not every girl can get a husband, but any whore can snag a john. Not me. The entire publishing industry puts up a huge warning sign for me with one simple word: Submit.

I would prefer not to.

That much is not that big a deal. I write for my own ears. I’ve never had feedback from readers or editors, but I’ve never missed it, either. After three years on a desert island, you might still expect rescue someday. After 30 years alone, not so much.

And none of that is a problem. When you don’t get what you (more…)

Posted in #MyKindOfBenedy, Poetry and fiction | 4 Comments


They stood looking at each other, the boy and the man, and neither knew quite what to do. They didn’t hug, they didn’t even shake hands, and neither of them could decide where to fix their eyes. Finally Tim’s father broke the silence. He said, “Flying dries you out. You want to get a soda or something?”~Oryctes~ / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

A Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie story



I walk and I watch or I stand still and I watch, or, at the airport, I sit and I watch. My own flight was delayed by storms back East, and I’d had plenty of time to watch Timmy’s daddy pacing back and forth, his hands roaming everywhere, checking his beat-up old watch, checking the status board, sitting down, standing up, chewing stick after stick of gum. He looked like a man awaiting the delivery of a child. When Timmy approached him from the jetway, I realized he was.

“It’s Tim,” said the boy, almost a man. He was about fifteen, tall and skinny, all bones and sinew, not an ounce of meat on him. He wore a jeans jacket with the sleeves torn off at the shoulders and, beneath it, an immense dark green tee-shirt. His faded blue jeans were also enormous and they were tied off with a piece of ratty clothesline. He had a red farmer’s kerchief tied up as a doo rag on his head. He held himself as a white boy’s unintentional parody of the gang-banging rap stars. You wouldn’t cross the street to avoid him, but, clearly, he was striving for that level of menace. “Some people call me G Rock.”

“Do they?” said Timmy’s daddy. He was in his late thirties, maybe forty. He was a big man to begin with, and by now he was a feast or two shy of two hundred pounds. An urban cowboy, Wranglers and a white Wrangler jacket, not cowboy boots but dusty work boots, no hat. His black hair was shot through with streaks of gray. His skin was tanned and weathered and his hands were peppered with (more…)

Posted in Poetry and fiction, Willie stories | 1 Comment

Let’s have a real writing contest: Take a sad song and make it better.

TE LO DÒ IO IL DIVORZIO, CRIBBIO!!! (my ancient fake)
How do you make a family whole when everyone in it is broken? Hollywood will pay big bucks for a compelling answer to that question.The PIX-JOCKEY (visual fantasist) / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0)

Officious rulings:

1. Liberty Island Magazine is having a writing contest, kinda like an amateur contortionist’s exhibition. That much interests me not at all. Casual writing is not that much different from casual sex, in my estimation, hugely likely to cost more than it’s worth and not to my liking in any case. But, while the idea Liberty Island is promoting is dumb and counter-productive and wasteful of whatever talents the entrants might have, I have an idea for a much more substantial, beneficial writing contest.

2. Speaking not of farce or satire but of the plot structure in which events move from worse to better because the hero learns, deploys and masters new ideas, comedy is the only art that will redeem Western Civilization. In that light, I see Liberty Island’s means as being opposed to its ends. Conservatives and libertarians will only get what they want when many more people live up to middle-class ideals and values, hence the only art that can move them toward their goals is an art that makes people better over time. This is how the plot of comedy writes itself into individual human lives. Preaching to the choir will change nothing, except to make the choir more dour and despairing over time.

3. Poetry is leadership.

4. Hence, my argument would be that the editorial philosophy of Liberty Island is wrong, if the goal is to change minds, change lives, change the world. If the objective is to infect the catalogs of pulp and genre publishers with putative non-Marxists, thus to put on display the righter side of blood, guts ’n’ gore, they might be on the right track. My take is that good art is about real people striving to overcome the real problems that afflict real life, but we don’t see eye-to-eye on that notion – and I have the rejection letters to prove it.

5. Ergo: My (more…)

Posted in #MyKindOfBenedy, Poetry and fiction | 8 Comments

Rearranging the universe the way you want it is #egoism in action, not self-sacrifice.

This is egoism in action, remaking your world the way you want it.

The video illustrates pellucidly why the idea of agape as self-sacrifice is incorrect. The love expressed this way is entirely egoistic: I am rearranging the universe to more closely reflect my values. This is the way I want things to be.

I love the way it shows things changing over time, too. That’s good art. This is the comedic form at its finest, redemption as new ideas are cultivated through time.

Fine print: Stipulating that what you’re doing is actually good and that you’re not betraying your own interests in someone else’s behalf, this kind of thing can be a self-loving expression of benevolence. I think the video dances that line perfectly: I’m doing the right thing by particular people (and animals) I know and trust to do the right thing in their turn. Fully-conscious benevolence is potentially an everybody-wins transaction. Dial back either consciousness or benevolence, not so much. As with everything else, it’s the motive of the actor that matters. But I really love the idea of each one of us husbanding a better world for himself. Big things are made of little things over time.

I think it’s a great film, a perfect philosophical short. Anti-egoists might see what the protagonist is doing as charity, while anti-anti-egoists might call it a self-sacrifice, but all I see is his own self-interested desire to make his home a better place.

Voluntary. Self-initiated. Persistent even in the face of personal doubts and public scorn. And yet he is rewarded over time by the relationships he is cultivating.

This is Egoism In One Lesson in three minutes. Wonderful.

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When you do as you know you shouldn’t and don’t do as you know you should – you’re living selflessly.

I like to personify my thinking. I do this anyway, in the silence of my own mind, playing out my conjectures like a 4D movie – like the set of long-term transactions that human relationships are. But I like to do it in persuasion, too, because I think it is a very effective way of understanding the transactional impact of ideas.

So: I give you Pammy and Dan:

I’ve written more about this phenomenon, actual selflessness, notably in Man Alive and How you came to be enslaved — and how you can free yourself.

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A short take on The Dancing Bear Fallacy: Humans #reason and #choose. Animals don’t. Get used to it.

Another short clip from the interview I did last August with Anthony Johnson of The21Convention:

Mind what goes into your mind:

What animals (and ‘artificially-intelligent’ software) do is not intelligence but pattern-matching, a cargo-cult-like analogue to inference with respect to proxies. They don’t know if their proxies are rational (proportionate to all known facts) since they don’t actually ‘know’ anything. This is why your dog scratches at the kitchen floor before laying down, because he can never discover that ceramic tile cannot conceal snakes and bugs. It’s why he barks at doorbell rings coming from the television.

Bring me your cleverest dolphin and I will show you how easy it is to fool, compared to an 18-month-old toddler. The toddler is also largely an animal in his cognition at that age, but both the dog and the dolphin lack the human brain, so neither one can ever develop actual intelligence, informed discretion, free will, reasoning and choosing in proportion to thoroughly-understood facts in abstract notation systems. No animal but the human animal can do any of these things.

I’m very fussy about terminology, because that’s how distinctions are made. Using the word intelligence to describe pattern-matching is an error, in my opinion. Conflating the two phenomena definitely is, regardless of the terms used to describe them. There is a bright-line distinction between informed discretion in human beings and trained behavior in animals that seems to emulate/replicate/simulate the end-consequences of informed discretion.

A picture of a girl is not a girl, and a simulation of intelligence is not intelligence. In this respect, every branch of science devoted to equating human intelligence with animal cognition – more importantly, devoted to ‘proving’ that human intelligence does not exist – is itself a cargo-cult, an elaborate doctrinal structure making vast, incomprehensible claims about a specious proxy.

Sounds like religion, don’t it? Acts that way, too.

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My first quarter: #Love, #sex, #death, #chastity and a brand new #atheist, #egoist #church.

Poetry is leadership is dance, and they will prove that to you if it takes them all afternoon.Prabhu B Doss / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND

I had a killer first quarter, secular arguments about marriage, chastity, life and death — and about the nature of secular arguments as such.

Some highlights:

  • A happy, working family will be led by the father. Marriages work when the husband asserts his leadership responsibilities, and they fail when he abdicates on that role.
  • Chastity rules! Sex outside of the active pursuit of marriage will impair your chances of finding (and keeping!) your ideal perfect spouse, and indiscriminate sex will gradually grind your self away to nothing.
  • You can go to church, but leave god at home. If a moral proposition is actually true and useful, it can be proved rationally, butressed by evidence that can be examined in detail by any observer. I am demonstrating this notion by means of the secular proof of everything that matters. Meanwhile, we go to church to be regularly reminded of the values and virtues we live by, and this is what I am endeavoring to do. You could help.
  • Poetry is leadership. We flail about aimlessly because we have thrown away the map by which human civilization is guided: Poetry.
  • Alleluia! True redemption can be yours now – in this life, not one you’re hoping for in the great beyond.
  • Consequently, you can live with no fear of death.

Philosophy, science and academia won’t touch this stuff, and religion can’t prove its claims. I’ve got the true goods, a moral philosophy that is demonstrably consonant to the nature of the uniquely-human life, but you must prove that proposition for yourself.

The silence that has greeted Man Alive and the ideas undergirding that book has been deafening, but that’s hardly surprising. What do people do when they first encounter a truly new idea? I should be grateful to be, at least until now, unassailed by stones, unsurrounded, unhounded by bearers of torches and pitchforks. But I am saddened, too, because two more years of your life are gone, and you have yet to begin the process of becoming most (more…)

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The Church of Splendor: Make your marriage last forever.

Why do some marriages seem to be so perfectly easy? Why don’t they all work that way?

10 MST Sunday morning. See the service live and sing hosannahs in real time or choir subjunctively by subsequent stream.

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The Church of Splendor: The joy of redemption.

I can’t give you either absolution or the promise of an afterlife, but I can show you a path to real redemption in this life. Seems like a fair deal to me.

Come and see the service live or stream it at will afterward.

Meanwhile (or anywhile), take note of these videos, referenced in the service:

Why your face is gonna freeze like that

The Men of The21Convention

The Joy of Chastity

And here are three Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie stories that also inform the argument: Reflecting His Radiance, A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan and The Desperation Waltz.

And one more movie: You cannot rip off the band-aid until you admit that you have wounded your self

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The ontology of ugliness: Your face is gonna freeze like that.

Anthony Johnson of The21Convention had me out to Orlando last Summer, where we did a taped interview. This clip is from that session.

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The Church of Splendor: The splendor of church.

Why an #atheist #church? Because regardless of what you believe, you need to be reminded regularly of the need for and the benefit of moral #philosophy. This is the value every church offers, I just serve it up without the smoke and mirrors.

Want to donate space, talent or funds to The Church of Splendor? Please do!

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The Church of Splendor: The path to every human value is paved with poetry.

This week’s service: The Power of Poetry.

It makes girls swoon and boys fight, and it drives every quest for the next frontier: poetry. And yet it is mocked everywhere, most especially in academic mock-poetry, and it is ridiculed and shunned by the people who need it most: Men.

When men surrendered poetry, they surrendered everything that has ever mattered in Western civilization: Love, family, art, civility and ultimately civil order itself. The people who are not poets are brutes. And it shows.

No doubt you have other things to do with your time, but I challenge you to find anyone who will challenge you quite as thoroughly as I will. I most certainly have not surrendered my poetry, and I aim to show you what I can do with it.

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Thriving lessons: First you have to turn around…

This is the homily from my first service for The Church of Splendor with all the church business cut out. This is a philosophically ambitious argument about moral ambition, an equally-opportunisitical offender, a thoroughgoing take-down – and rebuilding – of everything.

If you value rethinking everything from the ground up, you should give me half-an-hour of your life. I promise to repay it a thousand fold.

To see the whole service, go here.

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