The lord of the flies is the flies. If you’re spitting in unison with the mob, you are the savage.

If you think deconstructing the Donald Sterling dust devil sounds like a challenge, watch me undermine all of modern science.

When the henchmen of the church, the academy and the state finally discover they should be rebutting me, all of their arguments will be gone. I try to talk to everyone, but people who are serious about new theory in economics, epistemology and ethics should be hanging on my every word by now. That they are not is plausible proxy ‘evidence’ that no minion of the ruling class is serious about anything, they’re all just in it for the paychecks and the pensions, for the wealth they can expropriate from you by ever-more-elaborate frauds.

But what about you? If everyone else is saying the same thing, what is it that makes you so afraid to hear something different? You’re perfectly safe. Veni, vidi, vici. The world is already mine.

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