- “I can’t escape from your poor choices? Wanna bet?”Dietmar Temps / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Every argument against free will is an argument against liberty and for tyranny. That’s what they’re for.
Human beings drive their lives by consciously-acquired ideas, not by their tools, their circumstances, their diets, their parents’ diets or how their parents make a living. There is no conditioned response, no programming, no determinism in any of its many, many equally-specious forms.
The human will is free, purposive behavior is consciously chosen, and everything else ‘science’ elects to say on the subject of human behavior is false, ab initio, to these two facts. Why? Because tyranny does not make sense, so witch doctors must be hired to make it seem utterly necessary regardless.
If this ‘science’ serves any other purpose than to reinforce the idea in the reader’s mind that ‘a leopard can’t change his spots,’ I’m not seeing it. As with tragedy and satire in art, futility and despair in ‘non-fiction’ are how tyranny saps resistance.