Both #Marxism and #AynRand seek to reproduce by recruitment and indoctrination – cherry-picking the soul-broken Ci’s from Dc or Cd families, as religions have always done – but this is a diminishing return in the downward spiral of Marxist education.Photo by: Sharada Prasad CS
Here’s me taking the Ayn Rand Institute’s Grand Poobah, Yaron Brook, to task. He thinks pretending to ignore me is some kind of strategy, where in fact it’s simply a tell: He doesn’t respond because he can’t. More fun for me, plus I pick off the least-Ci-blinded victims of the big-O Objectivist cult one by one.
Vide: The argument promised in the headline in four tweets:
Wanna learn about philosophy, @YaronBrook? Here’s why #AynRand’s Ci creed and Ci #Marxist dogma are both doomed: Survivorship bias. You refuse to reproduce – or even to understand human reproduction – and, accordingly, your ideas die by the hearseload.
Here’s why: Socially-repulsive empathy strategies produce offspring rarely and poorly, where socially-attractive strategies are enduringly bounteous. Ci marries Ci, the mating ideal for both #Objectivist and #Marxist couplings, is a self-anhilating praxis.
Both #Marxism and #AynRand seek to reproduce by recruitment and indoctrination – cherry-picking the soul-broken Ci’s from Dc or Cd families, as religions have always done – but this is a diminishing return in the downward spiral of Marxist education.
#Marxism dies at Bill Ayers’ funeral, #Objectivism at yours. People who do not raise children will not have raised them to carry on their ideas. The future belongs to the fecund, because only their kids will be present (ahem) for it.
Much more to learn, when you’re ready for it.
I’m not holding my breath. It’s hard to push a man off of the error that’s feeding him. But his error doesn’t have to be yours. I have the game theory of everything. Yaron Brook could learn it, but he cannot dare to risk it. What’s your excuse?