- Secrecy and a lazy, self-willed ignorance are their weapons. Transparency and blinding illumination are ours. graftedno1 / Foter / CC BY-ND
There are three types of Marxists in the world:
1. People who don’t know they’re regurgitating Marxist dogma, as with the “fat is beautiful” saddgirlz or the Hollywood ‘intellectuals’.
2. People who are actively, consistently and knowingly promulgating Marxist dogma, as with Pete Seeger.
3. The fully-aware knowing Marxist chess-masters, like Bill Ayers, who are minding, managing and manipulating the other two groups.
Is American public (and private) dyseducation a Marxist conspiracy? Groups 1 and 2 don’t know what group 3 does: That’s all it is. Because group 3 is so good at disguising Marxist doctrine as anything else, groups 1 and 2 will easily and usually unwittingly adopt the Marxist line on any topic without having to be specifically instructed. Birds of a feather.
This same phenomenon is all the explanation that is needed for the IRS persecution of Tea Party groups. When the ‘conspiracy’ is a noxious intellectual gas that pervades everything, direct command and control is normally unnecessary. A hint or two, here and there, at most.
One of the ways Marxism has perfected its camouflage is by mocking anyone who comes to be aware of this pandemic, subterranean agenda. Derision in response to the identification of Marxist propaganda, overtly or just by eye-rolling ridicule, is the Fallacy Ad Hominem in quest of the Fallacy of Well Poisoning. People resort to logical fallacies when they know their arguments cannot bear up to rigorous scrutiny. In other words, they issue their big fake Hillary-like guffaws because they know they can’t best you honestly.
But this is why all of us must be aware of Marxist orthodoxy all the time, and why we must expose it as such wherever we discover it, especially when it is cloaked in sheep’s clothing. Secrecy and a lazy, self-willed ignorance are tyranny’s weapons. Transparency and blinding illumination are ours.
Don’t let up. You’re winning.