My delightful dog Shyly teaches me how to sell plush toys – from beyond the grave.

The real Shyly, virtually invisible, as always, with the real Odysseus.

The real Shyly, virtually invisible, as always, with the real Odysseus. That’s one of the real Ophelia’s toys on the floor behind them. And Desdemona? She fades…

My dog Shyly, writing in The scientific art of getting lost, for dogs:

I didn’t know what the boy was getting out of our discussion. His arms were wrapped around me by now, and he was absorbing my boundless warmth. I’m not bragging. Our people call me Shyly D. Lightful, and I’m sure that’s because I capture almost all the light that hits me, reflecting almost none of it back. That’s why I’m so hard to see in pictures – but it’s also why I’m so easy to hug in person.

I’m not actually trying to sell stuffed animals. That just came for free, as a way of understanding Shylygirl. Ophelia will make Sociable hearts melt…

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