The DISC of #Trump’s policies: Behind the media-flummoxing bluff is warm and fuzzy Ds goodness.

Nothing fertilizes human thriving like exploding eggheads…

Illustration by: Noé Martínez

From James Pruitt, by email:

Was thinking this morning whether you could apply your take on DISC to countries and how they interact with the world?

See the US as behaving very Ci in foreign policy over the years where, just as in families, Ds would prove better. Can see some overtures in that direction in some of what Trump is trying.


My little answer is, “Yeah, all of that.”

My big answer is: I feel like I’m letting you down. Why? Because: ALL of that.

Everything than can consciously controlled will be controlled according to an easily-discerned DISC strategy. DISC-my-way is present in every sort of human goal pursuit, and every social entity will be led according to one of the DISC strategies – ideally Ds, typically Ci or Dc if not.

Ci and Dc are human history – all of it – every high civilization prior to the Greeks. Historic Ci is theocratic where Dc was and is oligarchical. Modern Ci is technocratic – which matters.

Western Civilization as we have known it in the waning days of a golden age consists of the remnants of Greek Ds civilization – as reinterpreted by the Romans, the early Christians and by Loyola. From Calvin through to Joseph Smith, Cs had been in rebellion – out-lefting Ds – and this created both the space for Ci to take root and the Ci’s to occupy it.

By means of the university-as-clerisy, Ci has taken over the control room of Western Civilization. Because it is both potent and fashionable, many non-Ci people emulate Ci behaviors – with graduated success. But most people are not Ci, and many, many of those people don’t like being pushed around by Ci displays.

That’s the why of Trump, but the how of Trump is the gift I had not expected. I had thought he was Id, but now my thinking is that he is Di affecting Id for strategic advantage. In any case, as you note, his policies, foreign and domestic, are more Driven and more Sociable than we have seen in a long time.

Even so: Trump is temporary. He may be able to set up a standing wave of Ds, in which case he will be a hero for the ages. But being technocratic makes modern Ci hysterically infecund. Since only Ds is reliably prolific, Ds will retake the world in due course regardless.

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