You bet.
So it’s stupid, I suppose, to presume to lecture big-name national politicians about how to engage people in ways that just might change minds – and hence votes. Stupid because no one is listening, anyway, but stupid, too, because the only response to those kinds of observations is a roaring silence, punctuated, eventually, by some act of petty vengeance. The last thing mediocrities want to get is better, so they hear nothing but the criticism, none of the coaching.
That’s okay. I’m talking to you, not them.
We are chastised all the time about our palpable need to have a ‘national conversation’ about this or that – racism, poverty, hunger, inequality, blah, blah, blah. The words ‘national conversation’ mean Lucy will hold the football in place until the last second, and Charlie Brown will land flat on his back again. ‘National conversation’ means: “You lose, and if you don’t like that, you’re a racist!”
I have a solution for that problem: Let’s have a ‘national conversation’ about the fact of American life that matters most, hurts worst and offers the best promise of redemption going forward: Fatherlessness.
Marriage and family are the man’s relationship. He creates these institutions for his own purposes, engendering all of human civilization as a secondary consequence. Accordingly, only men can fix marriage and family, but, when they do, they will redeem all of Western Civilization:
Fathers are hoplite Greeks, like Leonidas and his Spartan warriors, beating back savagery by pushing back and civilizing the frontiers. Fathers have been denounced and ridiculed for so long, from so many different directions that they have have forgotten to be the heroes their wives and children need:
• Families with dedicated fathers thrive, the rest sunder.
• Children raised by their fathers are far more likely to prosper as adults and make good parents themselves.
• Parents who stay married to each other live happier lives, all the way to the end, in stark contrast to all other people – never-married, divorced or re-married.
• Single-mother-headed households are very often a disaster for children, engendering girls who can’t relate appropriately to men and boys who can’t restrain their impulses in any way at all.
Families without fathers typically are not families for long, and they are rarely strong families. The families from which children emerge the strongest – best-prepared intellectually, emotionally and in future earning-power – are the best-fathered families. Dad is the unchallenged leader of his brood, and everyone recognizes that it is his steady, unwavering, mission-critical leadership that most makes them a family. He never stops driving his family, and – in direct consequence – they are proud to go where he takes them.
How is that not a good agenda for Senator Ted Cruz or Senator Rand Paul or Senator Mike Lee?
In fact, there is almost nothing a national politician can do about marriage and family laws; these vitally important moral institutions are controlled by the grafters in your state government, not by Big Mother. But the simple fact of a ‘national conversation’ could change a lot of minds.
Feminism is fatherlessness, so inducing those shrill bats to shriek about the evils of fatherhood will sway more voters than any retailing of dad’s irreplaceable virtues. But even better than that, drawing the battle line along the (ahem) actual line of battle could have salutary benefits in the quest for – you know – victory.
The ‘march through the institutions’ originates and culminates in the war on fatherhood, since the family is the first polis in civil society, the sine qua non building block of civilization. Children without fathers become lifelong dependents of the state, providing the clientele needed to employ all of the full-time professional rent-seekers cultivated by the state’s university plantations.
A society without fathers makes up for their absence with schools, hospitals, and – especially – prisons. What’s worse, all of these actually exist as jobs programs for the rent-seekers – regular bribes paid to reliable voters. The ‘clients’ of the welfare state are arguably game tokens, just there to justify the looting, except that it is beyond monstrous to play games like this with human lives.
This is the ‘national conversation’ we should be having. Feminism is the anti-everything, the deliberare inversion of everything that works in pursuit of chaos, the fertilizer of the state. Only fathers create prosperity. Only fathers raise self-responsible children. Only fathers create the stability, household by household, that engenders civil society as a whole as a serendipitous secondary consequence.
Feminism’s war on fatherhood is a war on civilization as such. Even a Republican presidential candidate should be able to oppose an evil that obvious.