Come Spree with me today at 11 am MST. I want to play with to see what kind of talk
radio video magic I can make. I have some Big Ideas I want to take up, but I’m also interested in talking to people about their ideas.
You’ll need to take yourself to the Spreecast link for Man Alive! — The Spreecast. If you create a free account, you can participate, either by text chat or by video. The videocast will stream live, and then it will be available by embed forevermore. Spreecast is a very cool service, putting shout-show style video into the hands of ordinary people.
Updated: Here is the finished Spreecast:
No one joined me live, alas, but 43 people watched at least some of the Spreecast in real time. I’ll do this again tomorrow, and I hope you will join me then.
The audio-only version of this video is linked below, or you can find the podcast on iTunes.