What’s wrong with #Trump? That’s easy. Trump is the kind of thug who exterminates people like me.

Donald Trump talks and acts like a thug because he is a thug.

Trump talks and acts like a thug because he is a thug.

The question was: “If Trump is such a thug, then what about Rubio and Cruz?” My response:

I suspect Rubio is a repressed or closeted homosexual – like Obama. Cruz is a robotic phony. Neither would be a threat to my existence as President, since neither would get anything done.

The only safe government is no government. The next safest alternative is paralyzed government. Trump is everything that’s wrong with Obama without Obama’s Ic cowardice. Trump is a thug.

Crying “Havoc!” is the worst possible survival strategy for everyone this side of the grave. This is not TV sports or an entertainment spectacle. There were 160 million political murders in the last century committed by thugs like Trump, many of them popularly elected. This is dog that, once let slip, will not be called back to the kennel.

I am dismayed and saddened by the short-sightedness of my countrymen.

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