An Army of Cartmans: Libertarian and Conservative pundits “triumph” by becoming what they despise.


1. Saul Alinsky was evil, as are Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, etc. There is no benefit to a self-loving mind in emulating their vile, rhetorically invalid tactics. Breitbart was wrong: Tu quoque is not okay.

2. No matter how much you revile or ridicule your opponent, this will not make you a better person. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

3. Everything you do that does not advance your objectives retards them: 1 > 0 > –1.

4. Mobbing up is always self-destructive — for every member of the mob.

As it happens, I wrote a book about these ideas.

The walking irrelevancies who call themselves libertarian and conservative “thought leaders” could have read it today, instead of wasting their time and soiling their characters making dumb-ass dog-meat jokes.

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