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The Affectionate Display
“Greg Swann has insights into emotion on levels that really make you think. He can pluck that one annoying gray hair with pinpoint accuracy. He is a philosopher of sorts and he says and does what philosophers do. He shakes you to the bone, bumps your cup and lets you see what spills out. You see what you see and he sees what he sees. I’ll bet they are dramatically similar and extraordinarily different.” –Jeff Price
My favorite job title is Poet. Why? No license, no union, no credentialism. If you can learn, you will. If you can't, you won't waste my time. I grow regardless.
I’m not like you. That’s why you should listen to me. I’m in an empathy of opposites with everyone: All they see are reasons to complain, when all I want to do is dance. I know why we are the way we are and how we can learn to do better with each other – making everything better.
I am fomenting a philosophical revolution that will change everything for everyone in due course. How? By finally fully redeeming Western Civilization.
You’re going to help.
Save the world from home – in your spare time!
Disintermediate the ruling class: Read the free book that tells you how to do it.
Disintermediation means cutting out the middle-man, and, by teaching you a new way of thinking about human nature and about your own unique self, the free book Man Alive! puts you in charge of your own philosophical affairs.
The book's objectives are precise and concise: To take the claim of justice away from the state, the mantle of intellectual authority away from the academy and the experience of reverence away from the church. It puts all of those things back where they belong — in your mind. There is no middle-man on truth.
Jihad Watch
- For sane Muslims:
- For the other kind:
- For the rest of us:
I speak your language
I am delighted to speak anywhere, anywhen, and I am interested in any opportunity you can come up with for me to evangelize egoism. I am rich in ideas that, so far, few of us seem to prize. If you value the idea of self-adoration in the way I do, let's talk about how we can increase our numbers.
More by Greg Swann
FREE Willie
A 100% FREE collection of some of the best of the Ramblin’ Gamblin’ Willie stories. You will want to read all of my books, but here is a cost-free way to get started.Buy my books at
An elegy of hope and love.
Bedtime stories for your inner child from The Mall of Misfit Families.
Las Vegas Redemption
Pastor Trey Coyle and the reincarnation of Sarno’s Ghost.
Shyly’s delight
Work, play and love like a Labrador.
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Nine empathies
Apprehending love and malice.
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Father’s Day
More Married. More Husband.
More Father. More Man.
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Loving Cathleen
A Love To Live Up To
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Sun City
Loved ones die. Life goes on.
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Losing Slowly
How Las Vegas lost its mojo – and how to get it back
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Christmas at the speed of life...
Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie's Christmas stories
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The Unfallen
A love story
Print | KindleMy other writing isn't collected in one place, but here's a shopping list for finding the best of it:
- Greg Swann writes – fiction and early essays.
- – a weblog I maintained in the early years of the new millenium.
- BloodhoundBlog – a national real estate weblog I started and contribute to. Much of the content there will be real estate related, but everything I write is focused on the self, and this is best represented in the longer essays.
- – a weblog devoted to celebrating the uniquely human life.
Email Greg Swann
Fair warning: Your name and email address will be kept confidential, but unless you say otherwise, your text is blogfodder by default.Feed your self
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Recent Posts
- Silent cinema in three quick glances: Emily Brownbangs at the conception of guile.
- Love at first sight, twenty-five years later: Someone to thrive with.
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever.
- Ayn Rand and me – why my homework is late…
- An infinity of souls.
Recent Comments
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever. | on Love husbandry: Marriage dies by the snarl – but it thrives in the light of a loving smile.
- My only points of disagreement with Ayn Rand, libertarianism and scholarship in general: Everyone has been wrong about everything, going back forever. | on The origin of character: You chose to be who you are before you knew you had the power of choice.
- Ayn Rand and me – why my homework is late… | on An infinity of souls.
- Mark Passio is a Turd (611 words) – The Church of Entropy on Cold-blooded vengeance: Exposing Curt Doolittle’s – and libertarianism’s – inner-thug.
- Richard Nikoley on Cold-blooded vengeance: Exposing Curt Doolittle’s – and libertarianism’s – inner-thug.
- Photo credit: Sunrise on Phu Chi Fa by Tom BKK.
Author Archives: Greg Swann
To whomever is shopping me on conservative art: Here’s a shopping list.
What art will change minds and lives and votes?Photo by: Dmitry KichenkoI’ve been trying for a year now to engage a debate on ‘conservative’ art – where to me ‘conservative’ means pro-egoistic and therefore anti-authoritarian. One of the troubles with … Continue reading
The Fatherhood Agenda: Let’s have a ‘national conversation’ about the elephant in the nursery.
Let’s have a ‘national conversation’ about the fact of American life that matters most, hurts worst and offers the best promise of redemption going forward: Fatherlessness.By: Yvette T.The thing that people love most, second only to a root canal, is … Continue reading
Feminism is fatherlessness, and its best ally is the half-committed dad.
This is a chapter extracted from Father’s Day. If you don’t want for your children to be delivered to the tender mercies of Family Court, you should be working through this book chapter by chapter. 10. The Long Goodbye Tell … Continue reading
Celebrating my second quarter: Redeeming Western Civilization by redeeming fatherhood.
Hauling marriage back from the abyss – with a refreshing informality and a cacophonous guitar.I’m having a great year. Someday that will matter to more than just a few people, but that doesn’t make any difference now. What matters is … Continue reading
The Church of Splendor: Loving Cathleen – The 57 second book trailer
“There is no better incentive to staying on the path to Splendor than to marry someone you have to live up to.”I’m playing hooky from The Church of Splendor this Sunday so I can commune anniversarily with my wife. This … Continue reading
“This is a love worth living. This is a love worth grailing for. This is a love worth living up to.”
Loving CathleenA Love To Live Up ToToday is my wedding anniversary, and today I am publishing a book – called Loving Cathleen – about how much I love my wife – about how big a man’s love can grow, and … Continue reading
A conservative counter-culture? How about an egoistic counter-revolution instead?
“Every conservative has a responsibility to support the rising counterculture.”Sez who?And: What for?Adam Bellow says Andrew Breitbart says Santa Claus told him to tell you to buy my books. Why not? If Bellow can channel Breitbart, putting words in a … Continue reading
“Loving Cathleen” comes out on Independence Day – but there’s a review copy just for you today.
“This is a love worth living.This is a love worth grailing for.This is a love worth living up to.”Loving CathleenA Love To Live Up Toavailable at image for large version.)I have a brand new book coming out Friday, Independence … Continue reading
Putting the independence back in Independence Day: “It’s not the people, it’s the idea.”
“He grabbed me by the hair and pulled my ear down to his mouth. He said, ‘It’s not the people, it’s the idea. The idea makes the people great, as great as they want to be.’ And right then the … Continue reading
Gratias tibi ago, Who will be first among you to review #FathersDay?
Fathers: If you make your children’s world better, you’ll make everyone’s world better – your own first.Available at’s DayMore Married. More Husband.More Father. More Man.I’ve been picked up as a linked blog by, a boon for me. I’ve … Continue reading
A valentine for Cathleen: A love to live up to.
The best parts of the fully-human life are met with a smile, at a minimum – and a smile and kiss is even better.February 14, 2011I want to be the man she sees when she looks at me. That’s a … Continue reading
If you come to The 21 Convention in Tampa, you’ll see me – somewhere in the middle of the pack.
Anthony Johnson of The 21 Convention is only doing one show this year – and it’s a killer. I’ll be there, but I’m afraid I might be outshone by this galaxy of talent: 1. Anthony Dream Johnson (unannounced) 2. Socrates … Continue reading